Minecraft Wiki
(+ Crossbow)
(+ suspicious stew)
1,045行目: 1,045行目:
['足場'] = 'Scaffolding',
['足場'] = 'Scaffolding',
['燻製器'] = 'Smoker',
['燻製器'] = 'Smoker',
['怪しげなシチュー'] = 'Suspicious Stew',

2019年11月10日 (日) 07:04時点における版

return {
['%sの頭'] = "%s's Head",
['衝撃吸収'] = 'Absorption',
['アカシアのドア'] = 'Acacia Door',
['アカシアのフェンス'] = 'Acacia Fence',
['アカシアのフェンスゲート'] = 'Acacia Fence Gate',
['アカシアの葉'] = 'Acacia Leaves',
['アカシアの苗木'] = 'Acacia Sapling',
['アカシアの原木'] = 'Acacia Log',
['アカシアの樹幹'] = 'Acacia Wood',
['アカシアの木材'] = 'Acacia Planks',
['アカシアの木材ハーフブロック'] = 'Acacia Wood Slab',
['アカシアの木材のハーフブロック'] = 'Acacia Wood Slab',
['アカシアの木の階段'] = 'Acacia Wood Stairs',
['アカシアの木材の階段'] = 'Acacia Wood Stairs',
['アクティベーターレール'] = 'Activator Rail',
['エージェント'] = 'Agent',
['アレックス'] = 'Alex',
['アリウム'] = 'Allium',
['安山岩'] = 'Andesite',
['金床'] = 'Anvil',
['リンゴ'] = 'Apple',
['水中採掘'] = 'Aqua Affinity',
['防具立て'] = 'Armor Stand',
['矢'] = 'Arrow',
['衰弱の矢'] = 'Arrow of Decay',
['耐火の矢'] = 'Arrow of Fire Resistance',
['負傷の矢'] = 'Arrow of Harming',
['治癒の矢'] = 'Arrow of Healing',
['透明化の矢'] = 'Arrow of Invisibility',
['跳躍の矢'] = 'Arrow of Leaping',
['浮遊の矢'] = 'Arrow of Levitation',
['幸運の矢'] = 'Arrow of Luck',
['暗視の矢'] = 'Arrow of Night Vision',
['毒の矢'] = 'Arrow of Poison',
['再生の矢'] = 'Arrow of Regeneration',
['鈍化の矢'] = 'Arrow of Slowness',
['水の矢'] = 'Arrow of Splashing',
['力の矢'] = 'Arrow of Strength',
['俊敏の矢'] = 'Arrow of Swiftness',
['水中呼吸の矢'] = 'Arrow of Water Breathing',
['弱化の矢'] = 'Arrow of Weakness',
['奇妙な残留ポーション'] = 'Awkward Lingering Potion',
['奇妙なポーション'] = 'Awkward Potion',
['奇妙なスプラッシュポーション'] = 'Awkward Splash Potion',
['ヒナソウ'] = 'Azure Bluet',
['不運'] = 'Bad Luck',
['ベイクドポテト'] = 'Baked Potato',
['虫特攻'] = 'Bane of Arthropods',
['バリアブロック'] = 'Barrier',
['コウモリ'] = 'Bat',
['ビーコン'] = 'Beacon',
['ビーコンビーム'] = 'Beacon Beam',
['ビーコンクリスタル'] = 'Beacon Crystal',
['牛肉'] = 'Beef',
['ビートルート'] = 'Beetroot',
['ビートルートの種'] = 'Beetroot Seeds',
['ベッド'] = 'Bed',
['岩盤'] = 'Bedrock',
['シラカバのドア'] = 'Birch Door',
['シラカバのフェンス'] = 'Birch Fence',
['シラカバのフェンスゲート'] = 'Birch Fence Gate',
['シラカバの葉'] = 'Birch Leaves',
['シラカバの苗木'] = 'Birch Sapling',
['シラカバの原木'] = 'Birch Log',
['シラカバの樹幹'] = 'Birch Wood',
['シラカバの木材'] = 'Birch Planks',
['シラカバの木材ハーフブロック'] = 'Birch Wood Slab',
['シラカバの木材のハーフブロック'] = 'Birch Wood Slab',
['シラカバの木の階段'] = 'Birch Wood Stairs',
['シラカバの木材の階段'] = 'Birch Wood Stairs',
['黒色の旗'] = 'Black Banner',
['黒色のベッド'] = 'Black Bed',
['黒色のカーペット'] = 'Black Carpet',
['黒色のコンクリート'] = 'Black Concrete',
['黒色のコンクリートパウダー'] = 'Black Concrete Powder',
['黒色の彩釉テラコッタ'] = 'Black Glazed Terracotta',
['黒色の盾'] = 'Black Shield',
['黒色の色付き粘土'] = 'Black Stained Clay',
['黒色の色付きガラス'] = 'Black Stained Glass',
['黒色の色付きガラス板'] = 'Black Stained Glass Pane',
['黒色のシュルカーボックス'] = 'Black Shulker Box',
['黒色のテラコッタ'] = 'Black Terracotta',
['黒色の羊毛'] = 'Black Wool',
['爆発耐性'] = 'Blast Protection',
['ブレイズ'] = 'Blaze',
['ブレイズパウダー'] = 'Blaze Powder',
['ブレイズロッド'] = 'Blaze Rod',
['漂白剤'] = 'Bleach',
['盲目'] = 'Blindness',
['石炭ブロック'] = 'Block of Coal',
['ダイヤモンドブロック'] = 'Block of Diamond',
['エメラルドブロック'] = 'Block of Emerald',
['金ブロック'] = 'Block of Gold',
['鉄ブロック'] = 'Block of Iron',
['ネザー水晶ブロック'] = 'Block of Quartz',
['クォーツブロック'] = 'Block of Quartz',
['レッドストーンブロック'] = 'Block of Redstone',
['TNTブロック'] = 'Block of TNT',
['青色の旗'] = 'Blue Banner',
['青色のベッド'] = 'Blue Bed',
['青色のカーペット'] = 'Blue Carpet',
['青色のコンクリート'] = 'Blue Concrete',
['青色のコンクリートパウダー'] = 'Blue Concrete Powder',
['青色の彩釉テラコッタ'] = 'Blue Glazed Terracotta',
['青氷'] = 'Blue Ice',
['ヒスイラン'] = 'Blue Orchid',
['青色の盾'] = 'Blue Shield',
['青色の色付き粘土'] = 'Blue Stained Clay',
['青色の色付きガラス'] = 'Blue Stained Glass',
['青色の色付きガラス板'] = 'Blue Stained Glass Pane',
['青色のシュルカーボックス'] = 'Blue Shulker Box',
['青色のテラコッタ'] = 'Blue Terracotta',
['青色の羊毛'] = 'Blue Wool',
['ボート'] = 'Boat',
['骨'] = 'Bone',
['骨粉'] = 'Bone Meal',
['本'] = 'Book',
['本と羽根ペン'] = 'Book and Quill',
['本棚'] = 'Bookshelf',
['エンチャントの瓶'] = "Bottle o' Enchanting",
['弓'] = 'Bow',
['ボウル'] = 'Bowl',
['パン'] = 'Bread',
['醸造台'] = 'Brewing Stand',
['レンガ'] = 'Brick',
['レンガの階段'] = 'Brick Stairs',
['レンガ (ブロック)'] = 'Bricks',
['レンガハーフブロック'] = 'Bricks Slab',
['茶色の旗'] = 'Brown Banner',
['茶色のベッド'] = 'Brown Bed',
['茶色のカーペット'] = 'Brown Carpet',
['茶色のコンクリート'] = 'Brown Concrete',
['茶色のコンクリートパウダー'] = 'Brown Concrete Powder',
['茶色の彩釉テラコッタ'] = 'Brown Glazed Terracotta',
['茶色の盾'] = 'Brown Shield',
['茶色の色付き粘土'] = 'Brown Stained Clay',
['茶色の色付きガラス'] = 'Brown Stained Glass',
['茶色の色付きガラス板'] = 'Brown Stained Glass Pane',
['茶色のシュルカーボックス'] = 'Brown Shulker Box',
['茶色のテラコッタ'] = 'Brown Terracotta',
['茶色の羊毛'] = 'Brown Wool',
['バケツ'] = 'Bucket',
['埋もれた宝'] = 'Buried Treasure',
['ボタン'] = 'Button',
['サボテン'] = 'Cactus',
['緑色の染料'] = 'Cactus Green',
['ケーキ'] = 'Cake',
['カメラ'] = 'Camera',
['カーペット'] = 'Carpet',
['ニンジン'] = 'Carrot',
['ニンジン付きの棒'] = 'Carrot on a Stick',
['ニンジン'] = 'Carrots',
['ネコ'] = 'Cat',
['大釜'] = 'Cauldron',
['洞窟グモ'] = 'Cave Spider',
['チェーンのブーツ'] = 'Chain Boots',
['チェーンのチェストプレート'] = 'Chain Chestplate',
['チェーンコマンドブロック'] = 'Chain Command Block',
['チェーンのヘルメット'] = 'Chain Helmet',
['チェーンのレギンス'] = 'Chain Leggings',
['木炭'] = 'Charcoal',
['チェスト'] = 'Chest',
['鶏肉'] = 'Chicken',
['ニワトリ'] = 'Chicken',
['チキンジョッキー'] = 'Chicken Jockey',
['模様入りネザー水晶ブロック'] = 'Chiseled Quartz Block',
['模様入りのクォーツブロック'] = 'Chiseled Quartz Block',
['模様入りの赤い砂岩'] = 'Chiseled Red Sandstone',
['模様入りの砂岩'] = 'Chiseled Sandstone',
['シルバーフィッシュ入りの模様入り石レンガ'] = 'Chiseled Stone Brick Monster Egg',
['模様入り石レンガ'] = 'Chiseled Stone Bricks',
['粘土 (ブロック)'] = 'Clay',
['時計'] = 'Clock',
['クマノミ'] = 'Clownfish',
['石炭'] = 'Coal',
['石炭鉱石'] = 'Coal Ore',
['粗い土'] = 'Coarse Dirt',
['丸石'] = 'Cobblestone',
['シルバーフィッシュ入りの丸石'] = 'Cobblestone Monster Egg',
['丸石ハーフブロック'] = 'Cobblestone Slab',
['丸石の階段'] = 'Cobblestone Stairs',
['丸石の壁'] = 'Cobblestone Wall',
['クモの巣'] = 'Cobweb',
['カカオの実'] = 'Cocoa',
['カカオ豆'] = 'Cocoa Beans',
['歯車'] = 'Cog',
['色付きの松明'] = 'Colored Torch',
['コマンドブロック'] = 'Command Block',
['コンパス'] = 'Compass',
['コンジット'] = 'Conduit',
['焼き鳥'] = 'Cooked Chicken',
['焼き魚'] = 'Cooked Fish',
['焼き羊肉'] = 'Cooked Mutton',
['焼き豚'] = 'Cooked Porkchop',
['焼き兎肉'] = 'Cooked Rabbit',
['焼き鮭'] = 'Cooked Salmon',
['クッキー'] = 'Cookie',
['ウシ'] = 'Cow',
['シルバーフィッシュ入りのひびの入った石レンガ'] = 'Cracked Stone Brick Monster Egg',
['ひびの入った石レンガ'] = 'Cracked Stone Bricks',
['作業台'] = 'Crafting Table',
['クリーパー'] = 'Creeper',
['クリーパーの頭'] = 'Creeper Head',
['作物'] = 'Crops',
['クリスタル'] = 'Crystal',
['束縛の呪い'] = 'Curse of Binding',
['消滅の呪い'] = 'Curse of Vanishing',
['青緑色の旗'] = 'Cyan Banner',
['青緑色のベッド'] = 'Cyan Bed',
['青緑色のカーペット'] = 'Cyan Carpet',
['青緑色のコンクリート'] = 'Cyan Concrete',
['青緑色のコンクリートパウダー'] = 'Cyan Concrete Powder',
['青緑色の染料'] = 'Cyan Dye',
['青緑色の彩釉テラコッタ'] = 'Cyan Glazed Terracotta',
['青緑色の盾'] = 'Cyan Shield',
['青緑色の色付き粘土'] = 'Cyan Stained Clay',
['青緑色の色付きガラス'] = 'Cyan Stained Glass',
['青緑色の色付きガラス板'] = 'Cyan Stained Glass Pane',
['青緑色のシュルカーボックス'] = 'Cyan Shulker Box',
['青緑色のテラコッタ'] = 'Cyan Terracotta',
['青緑色の羊毛'] = 'Cyan Wool',
['タンポポ '] = 'Dandelion',
['黄色の染料'] = 'Dandelion Yellow',
['ダークオークのドア'] = 'Dark Oak Door',
['ダークオークのフェンス'] = 'Dark Oak Fence',
['ダークオークのフェンスゲート'] = 'Dark Oak Fence Gate',
['ダークオークの葉'] = 'Dark Oak Leaves',
['ダークオークの苗木'] = 'Dark Oak Sapling',
['ダークオークの原木'] = 'Dark Oak Log',
['ダークオークの樹幹'] = 'Dark Oak Wood',
['ダークオークの木材'] = 'Dark Oak Planks',
['ダークオークの木材ハーフブロック'] = 'Dark Oak Wood Slab',
['ダークオークの木材のハーフブロック'] = 'Dark Oak Wood Slab',
['ダークオークの木の階段'] = 'Dark Oak Wood Stairs',
['ダークオークの木材の階段'] = 'Dark Oak Wood Stairs',
['ダークプリズマリン'] = 'Dark Prismarine',
['日照センサー'] = 'Daylight Sensor',
['枯れ木'] = 'Dead Bush',
['水中歩行'] = 'Depth Strider',
['ディテクターレール'] = 'Detector Rail',
['ダイヤモンド'] = 'Diamond',
['ダイヤの斧'] = 'Diamond Axe',
['ダイヤのブーツ'] = 'Diamond Boots',
['ダイヤのチェストプレート'] = 'Diamond Chestplate',
['ダイヤのヘルメット'] = 'Diamond Helmet',
['ダイヤのクワ'] = 'Diamond Hoe',
['ダイヤの馬鎧'] = 'Diamond Horse Armor',
['ダイヤのレギンス'] = 'Diamond Leggings',
['ダイヤモンド鉱石'] = 'Diamond Ore',
['ダイヤのツルハシ'] = 'Diamond Pickaxe',
['ダイヤのシャベル'] = 'Diamond Shovel',
['ダイヤの剣'] = 'Diamond Sword',
['閃緑岩'] = 'Diorite',
['土'] = 'Dirt',
['ディスペンサー'] = 'Dispenser',
['ロバ'] = 'Donkey',
['高い草'] = 'Double Tallgrass',
['ドラゴンの卵'] = 'Dragon Egg',
['ドラゴンの頭'] = 'Dragon Head',
['ドラゴンブレス'] = "Dragon's Breath",
['ドロッパー'] = 'Dropper',
['効率強化'] = 'Efficiency',
['卵'] = 'Egg',
['エルダーガーディアン'] = 'Elder Guardian',
['エメラルド'] = 'Emerald',
['エメラルド鉱石'] = 'Emerald Ore',
['白紙の地図'] = 'Empty Map',
['エンチャントの本'] = 'Enchanted Book',
['エンチャントテーブル'] = 'Enchantment Table',
['エンドクリスタル'] = 'End Crystal',
['エンドゲートウェイ'] = 'End Gateway',
['エンドポータル'] = 'End Portal',
['エンドストーン'] = 'End Stone',
['エンドストーンレンガ'] = 'End Stone Bricks',
['エンダーチェスト'] = 'Ender Chest',
['エンダードラゴン'] = 'Ender Dragon',
['エンダーパール'] = 'Ender Pearl',
['エンダーマン'] = 'Enderman',
['エンダーマイト'] = 'Endermite',
['経験値オーブ'] = 'Experience Orb',
['エヴォーカーの牙'] = 'Evoker Fangs',
['エンダーアイ'] = 'Eye of Ender',
['落下中のブロック'] = 'Falling Block',
['牙'] = 'Fangs',
['耕地'] = 'Farmland',
['羽根'] = 'Feather',
['落下耐性'] = 'Feather Falling',
['発酵したクモの目'] = 'Fermented Spider Eye',
['シダ'] = 'Fern',
['炎'] = 'Fire',
['火属性'] = 'Fire Aspect',
['ファイヤーチャージ'] = 'Fire Charge',
['火炎耐性 (エンチャント)'] = 'Fire Protection',
['火炎耐性'] = 'Fire Resistance',
['火の玉'] = 'Fireball',
['ロケット花火'] = 'Firework Rocket',
['花火の星'] = 'Firework Star',
['魚'] = 'Fish',
['浮き'] = 'Fishing Bobber',
['釣竿'] = 'Fishing Rod',
['フレイム'] = 'Flame',
['火打石'] = 'Flint',
['火打ち石と打ち金'] = 'Flint and Steel',
['花'] = 'Flowers',
['植木鉢'] = 'Flower Pot',
['幸運'] = 'Fortune',
['氷渡り'] = 'Frost Walker',
['かまど'] = 'Furnace',
['ガスト'] = 'Ghast',
['ガストの涙'] = 'Ghast Tear',
['ジャイアント'] = 'Giant',
['ガラス'] = 'Glass',
['ガラス瓶'] = 'Glass Bottle',
['ガラス板'] = 'Glass Pane',
['きらめくスイカ'] = 'Glistering Melon Slice',
['きらめくスイカの薄切り'] = 'Glistering Melon Slice',
['発光'] = 'Glowing',
['輝く黒曜石'] = 'Glowing Obsidian',
['グロウストーン'] = 'Glowstone',
['グロウストーンダスト'] = 'Glowstone Dust',
['金の馬鎧'] = 'Gold Horse Armor',
['金インゴット'] = 'Gold Ingot',
['金塊'] = 'Gold Nugget',
['金鉱石'] = 'Gold Ore',
['金のリンゴ'] = 'Golden Apple',
['金の斧'] = 'Golden Axe',
['金のブーツ'] = 'Golden Boots',
['金のニンジン'] = 'Golden Carrot',
['金のチェストプレート'] = 'Golden Chestplate',
['金のヘルメット'] = 'Golden Helmet',
['金のクワ'] = 'Golden Hoe',
['金のレギンス'] = 'Golden Leggings',
['金のツルハシ'] = 'Golden Pickaxe',
['金のシャベル'] = 'Golden Shovel',
['金の剣'] = 'Golden Sword',
['花崗岩'] = 'Granite',
['草'] = 'Grass',
['草ブロック'] = 'Grass Block',
['砂利'] = 'Gravel',
['灰色の旗'] = 'Gray Banner',
['灰色のベッド'] = 'Gray Bed',
['灰色のカーペット'] = 'Gray Carpet',
['灰色のコンクリート'] = 'Gray Concrete',
['灰色のコンクリートパウダー'] = 'Gray Concrete Powder',
['灰色の染料'] = 'Gray Dye',
['灰色の彩釉テラコッタ'] = 'Gray Glazed Terracotta',
['灰色の盾'] = 'Gray Shield',
['灰色の色付き粘土'] = 'Gray Stained Clay',
['灰色の色付きガラス'] = 'Gray Stained Glass',
['灰色の色付きガラス板'] = 'Gray Stained Glass Pane',
['灰色のシュルカーボックス'] = 'Gray Shulker Box',
['灰色のテラコッタ'] = 'Gray Terracotta',
['灰色の羊毛'] = 'Gray Wool',
['緑色の旗'] = 'Green Banner',
['緑色のベッド'] = 'Green Bed',
['緑色のカーペット'] = 'Green Carpet',
['緑色のコンクリート'] = 'Green Concrete',
['緑色のコンクリートパウダー'] = 'Green Concrete Powder',
['緑色の盾'] = 'Green Shield',
['緑色の彩釉テラコッタ'] = 'Green Glazed Terracotta',
['緑色の色付き粘土'] = 'Green Stained Clay',
['緑色の色付きガラス'] = 'Green Stained Glass',
['緑色の色付きガラス板'] = 'Green Stained Glass Pane',
['緑色のシュルカーボックス'] = 'Green Shulker Box',
['緑色のテラコッタ'] = 'Green Terracotta',
['緑色の羊毛'] = 'Green Wool',
['ガーディアン'] = 'Guardian',
['火薬'] = 'Gunpowder',
['堅焼き粘土'] = 'Hardened Clay',
['採掘速度上昇'] = 'Haste',
['干草の俵'] = 'Hay Bale',
['頭'] = 'Head',
['体力増強'] = 'Health Boost',
['ホッパー'] = 'Hopper',
['ウマ'] = 'Horse',
['馬鎧'] = 'Horse Armor',
['空腹'] = 'Hunger',
['ハスク'] = 'Husk',
['氷'] = 'Ice',
['無限'] = 'Infinity',
['イカスミ'] = 'Ink Sac',
['即時ダメージ'] = 'Instant Damage',
['即時回復'] = 'Instant Health',
['透明化'] = 'Invisibility',
['鉄の斧'] = 'Iron Axe',
['鉄格子'] = 'Iron Bars',
['鉄のブーツ'] = 'Iron Boots',
['鉄のチェストプレート'] = 'Iron Chestplate',
['鉄のドア'] = 'Iron Door',
['アイアンゴーレム'] = 'Iron Golem',
['鉄のヘルメット'] = 'Iron Helmet',
['鉄のクワ'] = 'Iron Hoe',
['鉄の馬鎧'] = 'Iron Horse Armor',
['鉄インゴット'] = 'Iron Ingot',
['鉄のレギンス'] = 'Iron Leggings',
['鉄塊'] = 'Iron Nugget',
['鉄鉱石'] = 'Iron Ore',
['鉄のツルハシ'] = 'Iron Pickaxe',
['鉄のシャベル'] = 'Iron Shovel',
['鉄の剣'] = 'Iron Sword',
['鉄のトラップドア'] = 'Iron Trapdoor',
['アイテム'] = 'Item',
['額縁'] = 'Item Frame',
['ジャック・オ・ランタン'] = "Jack o'Lantern",
['ジュークボックス'] = 'Jukebox',
['跳躍力上昇'] = 'Jump Boost',
['ジャングルのドア'] = 'Jungle Door',
['ジャングルのフェンス'] = 'Jungle Fence',
['ジャングルのフェンスゲート'] = 'Jungle Fence Gate',
['ジャングルの葉'] = 'Jungle Leaves',
['ジャングルの苗木'] = 'Jungle Sapling',
['ジャングルの原木'] = 'Jungle Log',
['ジャングルの樹幹'] = 'Jungle Wood',
['ジャングルの木材'] = 'Jungle Planks',
['ジャングルの木材ハーフブロック'] = 'Jungle Wood Slab',
['ジャングルの木材のハーフブロック'] = 'Jungle Wood Slab',
['ジャングルの木の階段'] = 'Jungle Wood Stairs',
['ジャングルの木材の階段'] = 'Jungle Wood Stairs',
['ノックバック'] = 'Knockback',
['はしご'] = 'Ladder',
['ラピスラズリ'] = 'Lapis Lazuli',
['ラピズラズリブロック'] = 'Lapis Lazuli Block',
['ラピスラズリ鉱石'] = 'Lapis Lazuli Ore',
['大きなシダ'] = 'Large Fern',
['溶岩'] = 'Lava',
['溶岩入りバケツ'] = 'Lava Bucket',
['リード'] = 'Lead',
['革'] = 'Leather',
['革のブーツ'] = 'Leather Boots',
['革の帽子'] = 'Leather Cap',
['革のズボン'] = 'Leather Pants',
['革の上着'] = 'Leather Tunic',
['葉'] = 'Leaves',
['レバー'] = 'Lever',
['浮遊'] = 'Levitation',
['空色の旗'] = 'Light Blue Banner',
['空色のベッド'] = 'Light Blue Bed',
['空色のカーペット'] = 'Light Blue Carpet',
['空色のコンクリート'] = 'Light Blue Concrete',
['空色のコンクリートパウダー'] = 'Light Blue Concrete Powder',
['空色の盾'] = 'Light Blue Shield',
['空色の彩釉テラコッタ'] = 'Light Blue Glazed Terracotta',
['空色の染料'] = 'Light Blue Dye',
['空色の色付き粘土'] = 'Light Blue Stained Clay',
['空色の色付きガラス'] = 'Light Blue Stained Glass',
['空色の色付きガラス板'] = 'Light Blue Stained Glass Pane',
['空色のシュルカーボックス'] = 'Light Blue Shulker Box',
['空色のテラコッタ'] = 'Light Blue Terracotta',
['空色の羊毛'] = 'Light Blue Wool',
['薄灰色の旗'] = 'Light Gray Banner',
['薄灰色のベッド'] = 'Light Gray Bed',
['薄灰色のカーペット'] = 'Light Gray Carpet',
['薄灰色のコンクリート'] = 'Light Gray Concrete',
['薄灰色のコンクリートパウダー'] = 'Light Gray Concrete Powder',
['薄灰色の盾'] = 'Light Gray Shield',
['薄灰色の彩釉テラコッタ'] = 'Light Gray Glazed Terracotta',
['薄灰色の染料'] = 'Light Gray Dye',
['薄灰色の色付き粘土'] = 'Light Gray Stained Clay',
['薄灰色の色付きガラス'] = 'Light Gray Stained Glass',
['薄灰色の色付きガラス板'] = 'Light Gray Stained Glass Pane',
['薄灰色のシュルカーボックス'] = 'Light Gray Shulker Box',
['薄灰色のテラコッタ'] = 'Light Gray Terracotta',
['薄灰色の羊毛'] = 'Light Gray Wool',
['雷'] = 'Lighting',
['落雷'] = 'Lighting',
['ライラック'] = 'Lilac',
['スイレンの葉'] = 'Lily Pad',
['黄緑色の旗'] = 'Lime Banner',
['黄緑色のベッド'] = 'Lime Bed',
['黄緑色のカーペット'] = 'Lime Carpet',
['黄緑色のコンクリート'] = 'Lime Concrete',
['黄緑色のコンクリートパウダー'] = 'Lime Concrete Powder',
['黄緑色の盾'] = 'Lime Shield',
['黄緑色の彩釉テラコッタ'] = 'Lime Glazed Terracotta',
['黄緑色の染料'] = 'Lime Dye',
['黄緑色の色付き粘土'] = 'Lime Stained Clay',
['黄緑色の色付きガラス'] = 'Lime Stained Glass',
['黄緑色の色付きガラス板'] = 'Lime Stained Glass Pane',
['黄緑色のシュルカーボックス'] = 'Lime Shulker Box',
['黄緑色のテラコッタ'] = 'Lime Terracotta',
['黄緑色の羊毛'] = 'Lime Wool',
['残留ポーション'] = 'Lingering Potion',
['耐火の残留ポーション'] = 'Lingering Potion of Fire Resistance',
['負傷の残留ポーション'] = 'Lingering Potion of Harming',
['治癒の残留ポーション'] = 'Lingering Potion of Healing',
['透明化の残留ポーション'] = 'Lingering Potion of Invisibility',
['跳躍の残留ポーション'] = 'Lingering Potion of Leaping',
['浮遊の残留ポーション'] = 'Lingering Potion of Levitation',
['幸運の残留ポーション'] = 'Lingering Potion of Luck',
['暗視の残留ポーション'] = 'Lingering Potion of Night Vision',
['毒の残留ポーション'] = 'Lingering Potion of Poison',
['再生の残留ポーション'] = 'Lingering Potion of Regeneration',
['鈍化の残留ポーション'] = 'Lingering Potion of Slowness',
['力の残留ポーション'] = 'Lingering Potion of Strength',
['俊敏の残留ポーション'] = 'Lingering Potion of Swiftness',
['水中呼吸の残留ポーション'] = 'Lingering Potion of Water Breathing',
['弱化の残留ポーション'] = 'Lingering Potion of Weakness',
['鍵のかかったチェスト'] = 'Locked chest',
['ドロップ増加'] = 'Looting',
['宝釣り'] = 'Luck of the Sea',
['入れ食い'] = 'Lure',
['赤紫色の旗'] = 'Magenta Banner',
['赤紫色のベッド'] = 'Magenta Bed',
['赤紫色のカーペット'] = 'Magenta Carpet',
['赤紫色のコンクリート'] = 'Magenta Concrete',
['赤紫色のコンクリートパウダー'] = 'Magenta Concrete Powder',
['赤紫色の盾'] = 'Magenta Shield',
['赤紫色の彩釉テラコッタ'] = 'Magenta Glazed Terracotta',
['赤紫色の染料'] = 'Magenta Dye',
['赤紫色の色付き粘土'] = 'Magenta Stained Clay',
['赤紫色の色付きガラス'] = 'Magenta Stained Glass',
['赤紫色の色付きガラス板'] = 'Magenta Stained Glass Pane',
['赤紫色のシュルカーボックス'] = 'Magenta Shulker Box',
['赤紫色のテラコッタ'] = 'Magenta Terracotta',
['赤紫色の羊毛'] = 'Magenta Wool',
['マグマクリーム'] = 'Magma Cream',
['マグマキューブ'] = 'Magma Cube',
['地図'] = 'Map',
['スイカ'] = 'Melon',
['スイカの種'] = 'Melon Seeds',
['スイカの薄切り'] = 'Melon Slice',
['スイカの茎'] = 'Melon Stem',
['修繕'] = 'Mending',
['牛乳'] = 'Milk',
['牛乳入りバケツ'] = 'Milk Bucket',
['トロッコ'] = 'Minecart',
['チェスト付きトロッコ'] = 'Minecart with Chest',
['コマンドブロック付きトロッコ'] = 'Minecart with Command Block',
['かまど付きトロッコ'] = 'Minecart with Furnace',
['ホッパー付きトロッコ'] = 'Minecart with Hopper',
['TNT付きトロッコ'] = 'Minecart with TNT',
['採掘速度低下'] = 'Mining Fatigue',
['Mobの頭'] = 'Mob Head',
['モンスター'] = 'Monster',
['モンスタースポナー'] = 'Monster Spawner',
['ムーシュルーム'] = 'Mooshroom',
['苔むした丸石'] = 'Moss Stone',
['苔石の壁'] = 'Mossy Cobblestone Wall',
['シルバーフィッシュ入りの苔石レンガ'] = 'Mossy Stone Brick Monster Egg',
['苔石レンガ'] = 'Mossy Stone Bricks',
['ラバ'] = 'Mule',
['ありふれた残留ポーション'] = 'Mundane Lingering Potion',
['ありふれたポーション'] = 'Mundane Potion',
['ありふれたスプラッシュポーション'] = 'Mundane Splash Potion',
['キノコ'] = 'Mushroom',
['キノコシチュー'] = 'Mushroom Stew',
['レコード'] = 'Music Disc',
['菌糸'] = 'Mycelium',
['名札'] = 'Name Tag',
['吐き気'] = 'Nausea',
['ネザーレンガ'] = 'Nether Bricks',
['ネザーレンガ (アイテム)'] = 'Nether Brick',
['ネザーレンガのフェンス'] = 'Nether Brick Fence',
['ネザーレンガハーフブロック'] = 'Nether Brick Slab',
['ネザーレンガの階段'] = 'Nether Brick Stairs',
['ネザー水晶ブロック'] = 'Nether Quartz',
['ネザークォーツ'] = 'Nether Quartz',
['ネザー水晶鉱石'] = 'Nether Quartz Ore',
['ネザークォーツ鉱石'] = 'Nether Quartz Ore',
['ネザースター'] = 'Nether Star',
['ネザーウォート'] = 'Nether Wart',
['ネザーウォートブロック'] = 'Nether Wart Block',
['ネザーラック'] = 'Netherrack',
['暗視'] = 'Night Vision',
['効果なし'] = 'No Effects',
['音符ブロック'] = 'Note Block',
['オークのドア'] = 'Oak Door',
['オークのフェンス'] = 'Oak Fence',
['オークのフェンスゲート'] = 'Oak Fence Gate',
['オークの葉'] = 'Oak Leaves',
['オークの苗木'] = 'Oak Sapling',
['オークの原木'] = 'Oak Log',
['オークの樹幹'] = 'Oak Wood',
['オークの木材'] = 'Oak Planks',
['オークの木材ハーフブロック'] = 'Oak Wood Slab',
['オークの木材のハーフブロック'] = 'Oak Wood Slab',
['オークの木の階段'] = 'Oak Wood Stairs',
['オークの木材の階段'] = 'Oak Wood Stairs',
['黒曜石'] = 'Obsidian',
['ヤマネコ'] = 'Ocelot',
['橙色の旗'] = 'Orange Banner',
['橙色のベッド'] = 'Orange Bed',
['橙色のカーペット毯'] = 'Orange Carpet',
['橙色のコンクリート'] = 'Orange Concrete',
['橙色のコンクリートパウダー'] = 'Orange Concrete Powder',
['橙色の盾'] = 'Orange Shield',
['橙色の彩釉テラコッタ'] = 'Orange Glazed Terracotta',
['橙色の染料'] = 'Orange Dye',
['橙色の色付き粘土'] = 'Orange Stained Clay',
['橙色の色付きガラス'] = 'Orange Stained Glass',
['橙色の色付きガラス板'] = 'Orange Stained Glass Pane',
['橙色のシュルカーボックス'] = 'Orange Shulker Box',
['橙色のテラコッタ'] = 'Orange Terracotta',
['橙色のチューリップ'] = 'Orange Tulip',
['橙色の羊毛'] = 'Orange Wool',
['フランスギク'] = 'Oxeye Daisy',
['氷塊'] = 'Packed Ice',
['絵画'] = 'Painting',
['紙'] = 'Paper',
['ボタン (花)'] = 'Peony',
['ブタ'] = 'Pig',
['ピッグマン'] = 'Pigman',
['柱状ネザー水晶ブロック'] = 'Pillar Quartz Block',
['ネザー水晶の柱'] = 'Quartz Pillar',
['クォーツの柱'] = 'Quartz Pillar',
['ピリジャー'] = 'Pillager',
['桃色の旗'] = 'Pink Banner',
['桃色のベッド'] = 'Pink Bed',
['桃色のカーペット'] = 'Pink Carpet',
['桃色のコンクリート'] = 'Pink Concrete',
['桃色のコンクリートパウダー'] = 'Pink Concrete Powder',
['桃色の盾'] = 'Pink Shield',
['桃色の彩釉テラコッタ'] = 'Pink Glazed Terracotta',
['桃色の染料'] = 'Pink Dye',
['桃色の色付き粘土'] = 'Pink Stained Clay',
['桃色の色付きガラス'] = 'Pink Stained Glass',
['桃色の色付きガラス板'] = 'Pink Stained Glass Pane',
['桃色のシュルカーボックス'] = 'Pink Shulker Box',
['桃色のテラコッタ'] = 'Pink Terracotta',
['桃色のチューリップ'] = 'Pink Tulip',
['桃色の羊毛'] = 'Pink Wool',
['ピストン'] = 'Piston',
['木材'] = 'Planks',
['植物'] = 'Plant',
['ポドゾル'] = 'Podzol',
['毒'] = 'Poison',
['青くなったジャガイモ'] = 'Poisonous Potato',
['豚肉'] = 'Porkchop',
['シロクマ'] = 'Polar Bear',
['磨いた安山岩'] = 'Polished Andesite',
['磨いた閃緑岩'] = 'Polished Diorite',
['磨いた花崗岩'] = 'Polished Granite',
['ポピー'] = 'Poppy',
['ポータル'] = 'Portal',
['ジャガイモ'] = 'Potato',
['ジャガイモ'] = 'Potatoes',
['ポーション'] = 'Potion',
['衰弱のポーション'] = 'Potion of Decay',
['耐火のポーション'] = 'Potion of Fire Resistance',
['負傷のポーション'] = 'Potion of Harming',
['治癒のポーション'] = 'Potion of Healing',
['透明化のポーション'] = 'Potion of Invisibility',
['跳躍のポーション'] = 'Potion of Leaping',
['浮遊のポーション'] = 'Potion of Levitation',
['幸運のポーション'] = 'Potion of Luck',
['暗視のポーション'] = 'Potion of Night Vision',
['毒のポーション'] = 'Potion of Poison',
['再生のポーション'] = 'Potion of Regeneration',
['鈍化のポーション'] = 'Potion of Slowness',
['力のポーション'] = 'Potion of Strength',
['俊敏のポーション'] = 'Potion of Swiftness',
['水中呼吸のポーション'] = 'Potion of Water Breathing',
['弱化のポーション'] = 'Potion of Weakness',
['射撃ダメージ増加'] = 'Power',
['パワードレール'] = 'Powered Rail',
['プリズマリン'] = 'Prismarine',
['プリズマリンレンガ'] = 'Prismarine Bricks',
['プリズマリンクリスタル'] = 'Prismarine Crystals',
['プリズマリンの欠片'] = 'Prismarine Shard',
['飛び道具耐性'] = 'Projectile Protection',
['ダメージ軽減'] = 'Protection',
['フグ'] = 'Pufferfish',
['カボチャ'] = 'Pumpkin',
['パンプキンパイ'] = 'Pumpkin Pie',
['カボチャの種'] = 'Pumpkin Seeds',
['パンチ'] = 'Punch',
['紫色の旗'] = 'Purple Banner',
['紫色のベッド'] = 'Purple Bed',
['紫色のカーペット'] = 'Purple Carpet',
['紫色のコンクリート'] = 'Purple Concrete',
['紫色のコンクリートパウダー'] = 'Purple Concrete Powder',
['紫色の盾'] = 'Purple Shield',
['紫色の彩釉テラコッタ'] = 'Purple Glazed Terracotta',
['紫色の染料'] = 'Purple Dye',
['紫色の色付き粘土'] = 'Purple Stained Clay',
['紫色の色付きガラス'] = 'Purple Stained Glass',
['紫色の色付きガラス板'] = 'Purple Stained Glass Pane',
['紫色のシュルカーボックス'] = 'Purple Shulker Box',
['紫色のテラコッタ'] = 'Purple Terracotta',
['紫色の羊毛'] = 'Purple Wool',
['プルプァブロック'] = 'Purpur Block',
['柱状プルプァブロック'] = 'Purpur Pillar',
['ネザー水晶ハーフブロック'] = 'Quartz Slab',
['クォーツのハーフブロック'] = 'Quartz Slab',
['ネザー水晶の階段'] = 'Quartz Stairs',
['クォーツの階段'] = 'Quartz Stairs',
['ウサギ'] = 'Rabbit',
['ウサギの皮'] = 'Rabbit Hide',
['ウサギシチュー'] = 'Rabbit Stew',
['ウサギの足'] = "Rabbit's Foot",
['レール'] = 'Rail',
['生の牛肉'] = 'Raw Beef',
['生の鶏肉'] = 'Raw Chicken',
['生魚'] = 'Raw Fish',
['生の羊肉'] = 'Raw Mutton',
['生の豚肉'] = 'Raw Porkchop',
['生の兎肉'] = 'Raw Rabbit',
['生鮭'] = 'Raw Salmon',
['赤色の旗'] = 'Red Banner',
['赤色のベッド'] = 'Red Bed',
['赤色のカーペット'] = 'Red Carpet',
['赤色のコンクリート'] = 'Red Concrete',
['赤色のコンクリートパウダー'] = 'Red Concrete Powder',
['赤い砂'] = 'Red Sand',
['赤い砂岩'] = 'Red Sandstone',
['赤い砂岩ハーフブロック'] = 'Red Sandstone Slab',
['赤い砂岩の階段'] = 'Red Sandstone Stairs',
['赤色の盾'] = 'Red Shield',
['赤色の彩釉テラコッタ'] = 'Red Glazed Terracotta',
['赤色の色付き粘土'] = 'Red Stained Clay',
['赤色の色付きガラス'] = 'Red Stained Glass',
['赤色の色付きガラス板'] = 'Red Stained Glass Pane',
['赤色のシュルカーボックス'] = 'Red Shulker Box',
['赤色のテラコッタ'] = 'Red Terracotta',
['赤色のチューリップ'] = 'Red Tulip',
['赤色の羊毛'] = 'Red Wool',
['レッドストーン'] = 'Redstone',
['レッドストーンコンパレーター'] = 'Redstone Comparator',
['レッドストーンダスト'] = 'Redstone Dust',
['レッドストーンランプ'] = 'Redstone Lamp',
['レッドストーン鉱石'] = 'Redstone Ore',
['レッドストーンリピーター'] = 'Redstone Repeater',
['レッドストーントーチ'] = 'Redstone Torch',
['再生能力'] = 'Regeneration',
['リピートコマンドブロック'] = 'Repeating Command Block',
['耐性'] = 'Resistance',
['水中呼吸 (エンチャント)'] = 'Respiration',
['バラの低木'] = 'Rose Bush',
['赤色の染料'] = 'Rose Red',
['腐った肉'] = 'Rotten Flesh',
['ルビー'] = 'Ruby',
['ルビー鉱石'] = 'Ruby Ore',
['サドル'] = 'Saddle',
['鞍'] = 'Saddle',
['鮭'] = 'Salmon',
['砂'] = 'Sand',
['砂岩'] = 'Sandstone',
['砂岩ハーフブロック'] = 'Sandstone Slab',
['砂岩の階段'] = 'Sandstone Stairs',
['満腹度回復'] = 'Saturation',
['カメのウロコ'] = 'Scute',
['シーランタン'] = 'Sea Lantern',
['小麦の種'] = 'Wheat Seeds',
['ダメージ増加'] = 'Sharpness',
['ハサミ'] = 'Shears',
['ヒツジ'] = 'Sheep',
['草'] = 'Shrub',
['シュルカー'] = 'Shulker',
['シュルカーの弾'] = 'Shulker Projectile',
['看板'] = 'Sign',
['シルクタッチ'] = 'Silk Touch',
['シルバーフィッシュ'] = 'Silverfish',
['スケルトン'] = 'Skeleton',
['スケルトンホース'] = 'Skeleton Horse',
['スケルトンの頭蓋骨'] = 'Skeleton Skull',
['少し壊れた金床'] = 'Slightly Damaged Anvil',
['スライム'] = 'Slime',
['スライムブロック'] = 'Slime Block',
['スライムボール'] = 'Slimeball',
['移動速度低下'] = 'Slowness',
['小さな火の玉'] = 'Small Fireball',
['アンデッド特攻'] = 'Smite',
['滑らかな赤い砂岩'] = 'Smooth Red Sandstone',
['滑らかな砂岩'] = 'Smooth Sandstone',
['雪'] = 'Snow',
['スノウゴーレム'] = 'Snow Golem',
['雪玉'] = 'Snowball',
['ソウルサンド'] = 'Soul Sand',
['スポーン'] = 'Spawn',
['光の矢'] = 'Spectral Arrow',
['移動速度上昇'] = 'Speed',
['クモ'] = 'Spider',
['クモの目'] = 'Spider Eye',
['スパイダージョッキー'] = 'Spider Jockey',
['スプラッシュポーション'] = 'Splash Potion',
['耐火のスプラッシュポーション'] = 'Splash Potion of Fire Resistance',
['負傷のスプラッシュポーション'] = 'Splash Potion of Harming',
['治癒のスプラッシュポーション'] = 'Splash Potion of Healing',
['透明化のスプラッシュポーション'] = 'Splash Potion of Invisibility',
['跳躍のスプラッシュポーション'] = 'Splash Potion of Leaping',
['浮遊のスプラッシュポーション'] = 'Splash Potion of Levitation',
['幸運のスプラッシュポーション'] = 'Splash Potion of Luck',
['暗視のスプラッシュポーション'] = 'Splash Potion of Night Vision',
['毒のスプラッシュポーション'] = 'Splash Potion of Poison',
['再生のスプラッシュポーション'] = 'Splash Potion of Regeneration',
['鈍化のスプラッシュポーション'] = 'Splash Potion of Slowness',
['力のスプラッシュポーション'] = 'Splash Potion of Strength',
['俊敏のスプラッシュポーション'] = 'Splash Potion of Swiftness',
['水中呼吸のスプラッシュポーション'] = 'Splash Potion of Water Breathing',
['弱化のスプラッシュポーション'] = 'Splash Potion of Weakness',
['クラフト不可能なスプラッシュポーション'] = 'Splash Uncraftable Potion',
['水入りスプラッシュ瓶'] = 'Splash Water Bottle',
['スポンジ'] = 'Sponge',
['マツのボート'] = 'Spruce Boat',
['マツのドア'] = 'Spruce Door',
['マツのフェンス'] = 'Spruce Fence',
['マツのフェンスゲート'] = 'Spruce Fence Gate',
['マツの葉'] = 'Spruce Leaves',
['マツの苗木'] = 'Spruce Sapling',
['マツの原木'] = 'Spruce Log',
['マツの樹幹'] = 'Spruce Wood',
['マツの木材'] = 'Spruce Planks',
['マツの木材ハーフブロック'] = 'Spruce Wood Slab',
['マツの木材のハーフブロック'] = 'Spruce Wood Slab',
['マツの木の階段'] = 'Spruce Wood Stairs',
['マツの木材の階段'] = 'Spruce Wood Stairs',
['イカ'] = 'Squid',
['色付き粘土'] = 'Stained Clay',
['色付きガラス'] = 'Stained Glass',
['色付きガラス板'] = 'Stained Glass Pane',
['ステーキ'] = 'Steak',
['スティーブ'] = 'Steve',
['棒'] = 'Stick',
['粘着ピストン'] = 'Sticky Piston',
['石'] = 'Stone',
['石の斧'] = 'Stone Axe',
['シルバーフィッシュ入りの石レンガ'] = 'Stone Brick Monster Egg',
['石レンガの階段'] = 'Stone Brick Stairs',
['石レンガ'] = 'Stone Bricks',
['石レンガハーフブロック'] = 'Stone Bricks Slab',
['石のクワ'] = 'Stone Hoe',
['シルバーフィッシュ入りの石'] = 'Stone Monster Egg',
['石のツルハシ'] = 'Stone Pickaxe',
['石の感圧板'] = 'Stone Pressure Plate',
['石のシャベル'] = 'Stone Shovel',
['石ハーフブロック'] = 'Stone Slab',
['石の剣'] = 'Stone Sword',
['ストレイ'] = 'Stray',
['攻撃力上昇'] = 'Strength',
['糸'] = 'String',
['樹皮を剥いだアカシアの原木'] = 'Stripped Acacia Log',
['樹皮を剥いだアカシアの樹幹'] = 'Stripped Acacia Wood',
['樹皮を剥いだシラカバの原木'] = 'Stripped Birch Log',
['樹皮を剥いだシラカバの樹幹'] = 'Stripped Birch Wood',
['樹皮を剥いだダークオークの原木'] = 'Stripped Dark Oak Log',
['樹皮を剥いだダークオークの樹幹'] = 'Stripped Dark Oak Wood',
['樹皮を剥いだジャングルの原木'] = 'Stripped Jungle Log',
['樹皮を剥いだジャングルの樹幹'] = 'Stripped Jungle Wood',
['樹皮を剥いだ原木'] = 'Stripped Log',
['樹皮を剥いだオークの原木'] = 'Stripped Oak Log',
['樹皮を剥いだオークの樹幹'] = 'Stripped Oak Wood',
['樹皮を剥いだマツの原木'] = 'Stripped Spruce Log',
['樹皮を剥いだマツの樹幹'] = 'Stripped Spruce Wood',
['樹皮を剥いだ樹幹'] = 'Stripped Wood',
['ストラクチャーブロック'] = 'Structure Block',
['ストラクチャーヴォイド'] = 'Structure Void',
['砂糖'] = 'Sugar',
['サトウキビ'] = 'Sugar Canes',
['サトウキビ'] = 'Sugar cane',
['ヒマワリ'] = 'Sunflower',
['範囲ダメージ増加'] = 'Sweeping Edge',
['殺人ウサギ'] = 'Killer Bunny',
['濃厚な残留ポーション'] = 'Thick Lingering Potion',
['濃厚なポーション'] = 'Thick Potion',
['濃厚なスプラッシュポーション'] = 'Thick Splash Potion',
['棘の鎧'] = 'Thorns',
['効能付きの矢'] = 'Tipped Arrow',
['松明'] = 'Torch',
['トラップチェスト'] = 'Trapped Chest',
['トリップワイヤー'] = 'Tripwire',
['トリップワイヤーフック'] = 'Tripwire Hook',
['耐久力'] = 'Unbreaking',
['クラフト不可能なポーション'] = 'Uncraftable Potion',
['水中の松明'] = 'Underwater Torch',
['かなり壊れた金床'] = 'Very Damaged Anvil',
['村人'] = 'Villager',
['ツタ'] = 'Vines',
['水'] = 'Water',
['水入り瓶'] = 'Water Bottle',
['水中呼吸'] = 'Water Breathing',
['水入りバケツ'] = 'Water Bucket',
['弱体化'] = 'Weakness',
['重量感圧板 (重)'] = 'Weighted Pressure Plate (Heavy)',
['重量感圧板(重)'] = 'Weighted Pressure Plate (Heavy)',
['重量感圧板 (軽)'] = 'Weighted Pressure Plate (Light)',
['重量感圧板(軽)'] = 'Weighted Pressure Plate (Light)',
['濡れたスポンジ'] = 'Wet Sponge',
['小麦'] = 'Wheat',
['白色の旗'] = 'White Banner',
['白色のベッド'] = 'White Bed',
['白色のカーペット'] = 'White Carpet',
['白色のコンクリート'] = 'White Concrete',
['白色のコンクリートパウダー'] = 'White Concrete Powder',
['白色の盾'] = 'White Shield',
['白色の彩釉テラコッタ'] = 'White Glazed Terracotta',
['白色の色付き粘土'] = 'White Stained Clay',
['白色の色付きガラス'] = 'White Stained Glass',
['白色の色付きガラス板'] = 'White Stained Glass Pane',
['白色のシュルカーボックス'] = 'White Shulker Box',
['白色のテラコッタ'] = 'White Terracotta',
['白色のチューリップ'] = 'White Tulip',
['白色の羊毛'] = 'White Wool',
['ウィッチ'] = 'Witch',
['ウィザー'] = 'Wither',
['衰弱'] = 'Wither',
['ウィザージョッキー'] = 'Wither Jockey',
['ウィザースケルトン'] = 'Wither Skeleton',
['ウィザースケルトンの頭蓋骨'] = 'Wither Skeleton Skull',
['オオカミ'] = 'Wolf',
['木材ハーフブロック'] = 'Wood Slab',
['木の斧'] = 'Wooden Axe',
['木のドア'] = 'Wooden Door',
['木のクワ'] = 'Wooden Hoe',
['木のツルハシ'] = 'Wooden Pickaxe',
['木の感圧板'] = 'Wooden Pressure Plate',
['木のシャベル'] = 'Wooden Shovel',
['木材ハーフブロック'] = 'Wooden Slab',
['木の剣'] = 'Wooden Sword',
['木のトラップドア'] = 'Wooden Trapdoor',
['羊毛'] = 'Wool',
['記入済みの本'] = 'Written Book',
['黄色の旗'] = 'Yellow Banner',
['黄色のベッド'] = 'Yellow Bed',
['黄色のカーペット'] = 'Yellow Carpet',
['黄色のコンクリート'] = 'Yellow Concrete',
['黄色のコンクリートパウダー'] = 'Yellow Concrete Powder',
['黄色の盾'] = 'Yellow Shield',
['黄色の彩釉テラコッタ'] = 'Yellow Glazed Terracotta',
['黄色の色付き粘土'] = 'Yellow Stained Clay',
['黄色の色付きガラス'] = 'Yellow Stained Glass',
['黄色の色付きガラス板'] = 'Yellow Stained Glass Pane',
['黄色のシュルカーボックス'] = 'Yellow Shulker Box',
['黄色のテラコッタ'] = 'Yellow Terracotta',
['黄色の羊毛'] = 'Yellow Wool',
['ゾンビ'] = 'Zombie',
['ゾンビの頭'] = 'Zombie Head',
['ゾンビホース'] = 'Zombie Horse',
['ゾンビピッグマン'] = 'Zombie Pigman',
['村人ゾンビ'] = 'Zombie Villager',
['ストラクチャーヴォイド'] = 'Structure Void',
['赤いネザーレンガ'] = 'Red Nether Brick',
['ネザーウォートブロック'] = 'Nether Wart Block',
['骨ブロック'] = 'Bone Block',
['マグマブロック'] = 'Magma Block',
['コーラスプラント'] = 'Chorus Plant',
['コーラスフラワー'] = 'Chorus Flower',
['レッドストーン'] = 'Redstone',
['草'] = 'Grass',
['粘土'] = 'Clay',
['重量感圧板'] = 'Weighted Pressure Plate',
['トラップドア'] = 'Trapdoor',
['ネザーレンガ'] = 'Nether Brick',
['薄氷'] = 'Frosted Ice',
['ラマ'] = 'Llama',
['シュルカーボックス'] = 'Shulker Box',
['シュルカーの殻'] = 'Shulker Shell',
['不死のトーテム'] = 'Totem Of Undying',
['森林探検家の地図'] = 'Woodland Explorer Map',
['海洋探検家の地図'] = 'Ocean Explorer Map',
['探検家の地図'] = 'Explorer Map',
['エヴォーカー'] = 'Evoker',
['ヴェックス'] = 'Vex',
['ヴィンディケーター'] = 'Vindicator',
['鉄塊'] = 'Iron Nugget',

-- Merged from モジュール:Reverselink/Link2
['感圧板'] = 'Pressure Plate',
['空気'] = 'Air',
['草の道'] = 'Grass Path',
['木のフェンス'] = 'Wood Fence',
['ネザーレンガフェンス'] = 'Nether Brick Fence',
['エンドゲートウェイポータル'] = 'End Gateway Portal',
['シルバーフィッシュ入りのブロック']= 'Monster Egg',
['ストーンカッター'] = 'Stonecutter',
['ネザーリアクターコア'] = 'Nether Reactor Core',
['ハーフブロック'] = 'Slab',
['階段'] = 'Stairs',
['旗'] = 'Banner',
['カーペット'] = 'Carpet',
['盾'] = 'Shild',
['彩釉テラコッタ'] = 'Glazed Terracotta',
['色付き粘土'] = 'Stained Clay',
['色付きガラス'] = 'Stained Glass',
['色付きガラス板'] = 'Stained Glass Pane',
['板ガラス'] = 'Glass Pane',
['シュルカーボックス'] = 'Shulker Box',
['テラコッタ'] = 'Terracotta',
['羊毛'] = 'Wool',
['ドア'] = 'Door',
['フェンス'] = 'Fence',
['フェンスゲート'] = 'Fence Gate',
['苗木'] = 'Sapling',
['染料'] = 'Dye',
['エンドロッド'] = 'End Rod',
['馬鎧'] = 'Horse Armor',
['鉱石'] = 'Ore',
['斧'] = 'Axe',
['ブーツ'] = 'Boots',
['チェストプレート'] = 'Chestplate',
['ヘルメット'] = 'Helmet',
['クワ'] = 'Hoe',
['レギンス'] = 'Leggings',
['ツルハシ'] = 'Pickaxe',
['シャベル'] = 'Shovel',
['剣'] = 'Sword',
['オブザーバー'] = 'Observer',

['巨大キノコ'] = 'Hugemushroom',
['エンドポータルフレーム'] = 'End Portal Frame',
['キノコ (ブロック)'] = 'Mushroom (block)',
['キノコブロック'] = 'Mushroom (block)',
['Mobの頭'] = 'Mob Head',
['道具'] = 'Tool',
['戦闘'] = 'Combat',
['食料'] = 'Foodstuff',
['醸造'] = 'Brewing',
['材料'] = 'Naterial',
['運送'] = 'Transportation',
['ブロック'] = 'Block',
['その他'] = 'Miscellaneous',

['コンクリート'] = 'Concrete',
['コンクリートパウダー'] = 'Concrete Powder',
['知恵の本'] = 'Knowledge Book',
['オウム'] = 'Parrot',
['テラコッタ'] = 'Terracotta',

['デバッグ棒'] = 'Debug Stick',
['海洋の心'] = 'Heart of the Sea',
['コンジット'] = 'Conduit',
['オウムガイの殻'] = 'Nautilus Shell',
['原木'] = 'Log',
['樹皮を剥いだ原木'] = 'Stripped Log',
['樹幹'] = 'Wood',
['樹皮を剥いだ樹幹'] = 'Stripped Wood',
['乾燥した昆布'] = 'Dried Kelp',
['乾燥した昆布ブロック'] = 'Dried Kelp Block',
['石化したオークのハーフブロック'] = 'Petrified Oak Slab',
['ファントム'] = 'Phantom',
['ファントムの皮膜'] = 'Phantom Membrane',
['気泡柱'] = 'Bubble Column',

['鐘'] = 'Bell',
['溶鉱炉'] = 'Blast Furnace',
['焚き火'] = 'Campfire',
['クロスボウ'] = 'Crossbow',
['ジグソーブロック'] = 'Jigsaw Block',
['ジグソーブロック'] = 'JigsawBlock',
['書見台'] = 'Lectern',
['足場'] = 'Scaffolding',
['燻製器'] = 'Smoker',
['怪しげなシチュー'] = 'Suspicious Stew',

['雪のツンドラ'] = 'Snowy Tundra',
['雪山'] = 'Snowy Mountains',
['氷樹'] = 'Ice Spikes',
['雪のタイガ'] = 'Snowy Taiga',
['雪のタイガの丘陵'] = 'Snowy Taiga Hills',
['雪のタイガの山'] = 'Snowy Taiga Mountains',

['風船'] = 'Balloon',
['水中のTNT'] = 'Underwater TNT',

['水泳'] = 'Swimming',

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