Minecraft Wiki
return {
  -- 元素
  ['actinium'] = '元素|アクチニウム',
  ['aluminium'] = '元素|アルミニウム',
  ['aluminum'] = '元素|アルミニウム',
  ['americium'] = '元素|アメリシウム',
  ['antimony'] = '元素|アンチモン',
  ['argentum'] = '元素|銀',
  ['argon'] = '元素|アルゴン',
  ['arsenic'] = '元素|ヒ素',
  ['astatine'] = '元素|アスタチン',
  ['aurum'] = '元素|金',
  ['barium'] = '元素|バリウム',
  ['berkelium'] = '元素|バークリウム',
  ['beryllium'] = '元素|ベリリウム',
  ['bismuth'] = '元素|ビスマス',
  ['boron'] = '元素|ホウ素',
  ['bromine'] = '元素|臭素',
  ['cadmium'] = '元素|カドミウム',
  ['calcium'] = '元素|カルシウム',
  ['californium'] = '元素|カリフォルニウム',
  ['carbon'] = '元素|炭素',
  ['cerium'] = '元素|セリウム',
  ['cesium'] = '元素|セシウム',
  ['chlorine'] = '元素|塩素',
  ['chromium'] = '元素|クロム',
  ['cobalt'] = '元素|コバルト',
  ['copper'] = '元素|銅',
  ['cuprum'] = '元素|銅',
  ['curium'] = '元素|キュリウム',
  ['dysprosium'] = '元素|ジスプロシウム',
  ['einsteinium'] = '元素|アインスタイニウム',
  ['erbium'] = '元素|エルビウム',
  ['europium'] = '元素|ユウロピウム',
  ['fermium'] = '元素|フェルミウム',
  ['ferum'] = '元素|鉄',
  ['fluorine'] = '元素|フッ素',
  ['francium'] = '元素|フランシウム',
  ['gadolinium'] = '元素|ガドリニウム',
  ['gallium'] = '元素|ガリウム',
  ['germanium'] = '元素|ゲルマニウム',
  ['gold'] = '元素|金',
  ['hafnium'] = '元素|ハフニウム',
  ['helium'] = '元素|ヘリウム',
  ['holmium'] = '元素|ホルミウム',
  ['hydrargyrum'] = '元素|水銀',
  ['hydrogen'] = '元素|水素',
  ['indium'] = '元素|インジウム',
  ['iodine'] = '元素|ヨウ素',
  ['iridium'] = '元素|イリジウム',
  ['iron (element)'] = '元素|鉄',
  ['kalium'] = '元素|カリウム',
  ['krypton'] = '元素|クリプトン',
  ['lanthanum'] = '元素|ランタン',
  ['lawrencium'] = '元素|ローレンシウム',
  ['lead (element)'] = '元素|鉛',
  ['lithium'] = '元素|リチウム',
  ['lutetium'] = '元素|ルテチウム',
  ['magnesium'] = '元素|マグネシウム',
  ['manganese'] = '元素|マンガン',
  ['mendelevium'] = '元素|メンデレビウム',
  ['mercury'] = '元素|水銀',
  ['molybdenum'] = '元素|モリブデン',
  ['moscovium'] = '元素|モスコビウム',
  ['natrium'] = '元素|ナトリウム',
  ['neodymium'] = '元素|ネオジム',
  ['neon'] = '元素|ネオン',
  ['neptunium'] = '元素|ネプツニウム',
  ['nickel'] = '元素|ニッケル',
  ['niobium'] = '元素|ニオブ',
  ['nitrogen'] = '元素|窒素',
  ['nobelium'] = '元素|ノーベリウム',
  ['osmium'] = '元素|オスミウム',
  ['oxygen'] = '元素|酸素',
  ['palladium'] = '元素|パラジウム',
  ['phosphorus'] = '元素|リン',
  ['platinum'] = '元素|白金',
  ['plumbum'] = '元素|鉛',
  ['plutonium'] = '元素|プルトニウム',
  ['polonium'] = '元素|ポロニウム',
  ['potassium'] = '元素|カリウム',
  ['praseodymium'] = '元素|プラセオジム',
  ['promethium'] = '元素|プロメチウム',
  ['protactinium'] = '元素|プロトアクチニウム',
  ['protoactinium'] = '元素|プロトアクチニウム',
  ['radium'] = '元素|ラジウム',
  ['radon'] = '元素|ラドン',
  ['rhenium'] = '元素|レニウム',
  ['rhodium'] = '元素|ロジウム',
  ['rubidium'] = '元素|ルビジウム',
  ['ruthenium'] = '元素|ルテニウム',
  ['samarium'] = '元素|サマリウム',
  ['scandium'] = '元素|スカンジウム',
  ['selenium'] = '元素|セレン',
  ['silicon'] = '元素|ケイ素',
  ['silver'] = '元素|銀',
  ['sodium'] = '元素|ナトリウム',
  ['stannum'] = '元素|スズ',
  ['stibium'] = '元素|アンチモン',
  ['strontium'] = '元素|ストロンチウム',
  ['sulfur'] = '元素|硫黄',
  ['tantalum'] = '元素|タンタル',
  ['technetium'] = '元素|テクネチウム',
  ['tellurium'] = '元素|テルル',
  ['terbium'] = '元素|テルビウム',
  ['thallium'] = '元素|タリウム',
  ['thorium'] = '元素|トリウム',
  ['thulium'] = '元素|ツリウム',
  ['tin'] = '元素|スズ',
  ['titanium'] = '元素|チタン',
  ['tungsten'] = '元素|タングステン',
  ['uranium'] = '元素|ウラン',
  ['vanadium'] = '元素|バナジウム',
  ['wolfram'] = '元素|タングステン',
  ['xenon'] = '元素|キセノン',
  ['ytterbium'] = '元素|イッテルビウム',
  ['yttrium'] = '元素|イットリウム',
  ['zinc'] = '元素|亜鉛',
  ['zirconium'] = '元素|ジルコニウム',
  ['bohrium'] = '元素|ボーリウム',
  ['copernicium'] = '元素|コペルニシウム',
  ['darmstadtium'] = '元素|ダームスタチウム',
  ['dubnium'] = '元素|ドブニウム',
  ['flerovium'] = '元素|フレロビウム',
  ['hassium'] = '元素|ハッシウム',
  ['livermorium'] = '元素|リバモリウム',
  ['meitnerium'] = '元素|マイトネリウム',
  ['nihonium'] = '元素|ニホニウム',
  ['roentgenium'] = '元素|レントゲニウム',
  ['rutherfordium'] = '元素|ラザホージウム',
  ['seaborgium'] = '元素|シーボーギウム',
  ['oganesson'] = '元素|オガネソン',
  ['tennessine'] = '元素|テネシン',
  -- 化合物
  ['aluminum oxide'] = '化合物|酸化アルミニウム',
  ['ammonia'] = '化合物|アンモニア',
  ['barium sulfate'] = '化合物|硫酸バリウム',
  ['benzene'] = '化合物|ベンゼン',
  ['boron trioxide'] = '化合物|酸化ホウ素',
  ['calcium bromide'] = '化合物|臭化カルシウム',
  ['crude oil'] = '化合物|原油',
  ['glue'] = '化合物|接着剤',
  ['glue (cyanoacrylate)'] = '化合物|接着剤',
  ['hydrogen peroxide'] = '化合物|過酸化水素',
  ['iron sulfide'] = '化合物|硫化鉄',
  ['latex'] = '化合物|ラテックス',
  ['lithium hydride'] = '化合物|水素化リチウム',
  ['luminol'] = '化合物|ルミノール',
  ['lye'] = '化合物|水酸化ナトリウム',
  ['magnesium nitrate'] = '化合物|硝酸マグネシウム',
  ['magnesium oxide'] = '化合物|酸化マグネシウム',
  ['polyethylene'] = '化合物|ポリエチレン',
  ['potassium iodide'] = '化合物|ヨウ化カリウム',
  ['salt'] = '化合物|塩',
  ['soap'] = '化合物|石けん',
  ['sodium acetate'] = '化合物|酢酸ナトリウム',
  ['sodium fluoride'] = '化合物|フッ化ナトリウム',
  ['sodium hydride'] = '化合物|水素化ナトリウム',
  ['sodium hypochlorite'] = '化合物|次亜塩素酸ナトリウム',
  ['sodium oxide'] = '化合物|酸化ナトリウム',
  ['sulfate'] = '化合物|硫酸塩',
  ['water (compound)'] = '化合物|水',
  ['calcium chloride'] = '化合物|塩化カルシウム',
  ['cerium chloride'] = '化合物|塩化セリウム',
  ['mercuric chloride'] = '化合物|塩化第二水銀',
  ['potassium chloride'] = '化合物|塩化カリウム',
  ['tungsten chloride'] = '化合物|塩化タングステン',
  ['antidote'] = '解毒薬',
  ['elixir'] = '万能薬',
  ['eye drops'] = '目薬',
  ['tonic'] = '気付け薬',
  -- 化合物(分類名)
  ['chloride'] = '化合物|塩化物',
  -- PE,BE Edu 限定
  ['allow block'] = '許可ブロック',
  ['balloon'] = '風船',
  ['border'] = 'ボーダー',
  ['bleach'] = '漂白剤',
  ['camera'] = 'カメラ',
  ['compound creator'] = '化合物作成器',
  ['dead brain coral fan'] = 'Coral Fan|Dead Brain Coral Fan',
  ['dead bubble coral fan'] = 'Coral Fan|Dead Bubble Coral Fan',
  ['dead fire coral fan'] = 'Coral Fan|Dead Fire Coral Fan',
  ['dead horn coral fan'] = 'Coral Fan|Dead Horn Coral Fan',
  ['dead tube coral fan'] = 'Coral Fan|Dead Tube Coral Fan',
  ['deny block'] = '拒否ブロック',
  ['element constructor'] = '元素構成器',
  ['stained glass pane be'] = '色付きガラス板',
  ['glass pane be'] = '板ガラス',
  ['glowing obsidian'] = '輝く黒曜石',
  ['glow stick'] = 'ケミカルライト',
  ['heat block'] = '熱ブロック',
  ['hardened glass'] = '強化ガラス',
  ['hardened glass pane'] = '強化ガラス板',
  ['hardened stained glass'] = '色付き強化ガラス',
  ['hardened stained glass pane'] = '色付き強化ガラス板',
  ['ice bomb'] = '氷の爆弾',
  ['invisible bedrock'] = '不可視の岩盤',
  ['lab table'] = '実験テーブル',
  ['learn to code mascot'] = 'エージェント',
  ['material reducer'] = '物質還元器',
  ['minecart with command block pe'] = 'コマンドブロック付きのトロッコ(Bedrock Edition)',
  ['nether reactor core'] = 'ネザーリアクターコア',
  ['stonecutter'] = 'ストーンカッター',
  ['super fertilizer'] = 'スーパー肥料',
  ['sparkler'] = '手持ち花火',
  ['underwater tnt'] = '水中のTNT',
  ['underwater torch'] = '水中の松明',
  -- 色付き
  ['white stained glass pane be'] = '色付きのガラス板|白色の色付きガラス板',
  ['orange stained glass pane be'] = '色付きのガラス板|橙色の色付きガラス板',
  ['magenta stained glass pane be'] = '色付きのガラス板|赤紫色の色付きガラス板',
  ['light blue stained glass pane be'] = '色付きのガラス板|空色の色付きガラス板',
  ['yellow stained glass pane be'] = '色付きのガラス板|黄色の色付きガラス板',
  ['lime stained glass pane be'] = '色付きのガラス板|黄緑色の色付きガラス板',
  ['pink stained glass pane be'] = '色付きのガラス板|桃色の色付きガラス板',
  ['gray stained glass pane be'] = '色付きのガラス板|灰色の色付きガラス板',
  ['silver stained glass pane be'] = '色付きのガラス板|薄灰色の色付きガラス板',
  ['cyan stained glass pane be'] = '色付きのガラス板|水色の色付きガラス板',
  ['purple stained glass pane be'] = '色付きのガラス板|紫色の色付きガラス板',
  ['blue stained glass pane be'] = '色付きのガラス板|青色の色付きガラス板',
  ['brown stained glass pane be'] = '色付きのガラス板|茶色の色付きガラス板',
  ['green stained glass pane be'] = '色付きのガラス板|緑色の色付きガラス板',
  ['red stained glass pane be'] = '色付きのガラス板|赤色の色付きガラス板',
  ['black stained glass pane be'] = '色付きのガラス板|黒色の色付きガラス板',
  ---- 風船
  ['white balloon'] = '風船|白色の風船',
  ['orange balloon'] = '風船|橙色の風船',
  ['magenta balloon'] = '風船|赤紫色の風船',
  ['light blue balloon'] = '風船|空色の風船',
  ['yellow balloon'] = '風船|黄色の風船',
  ['lime balloon'] = '風船|黄緑色の風船',
  ['pink balloon'] = '風船|桃色の風船',
  ['gray balloon'] = '風船|灰色の風船',
  ['silver balloon'] = '風船|薄灰色の風船',
  ['cyan balloon'] = '風船|水色の風船',
  ['purple balloon'] = '風船|紫色の風船',
  ['blue balloon'] = '風船|青色の風船',
  ['brown balloon'] = '風船|茶色の風船',
  ['green balloon'] = '風船|緑色の風船',
  ['red balloon'] = '風船|赤色の風船',
  ['black balloon'] = '風船|黒色の風船',
  ['purple torch'] = '紫色の松明',
  ['blue torch'] = '青色の松明',
  ['green torch'] = '緑色の松明',
  ['orange torch'] = '橙色の松明',
  ['red torch'] = '赤色の松明',
  ['white glow stick'] = 'ケミカルライト|白色のケミカルライト',
  ['orange glow stick'] = 'ケミカルライト|橙色のケミカルライト',
  ['magenta glow stick'] = 'ケミカルライト|赤紫色のケミカルライト',
  ['light blue glow stick'] = 'ケミカルライト|空色のケミカルライト',
  ['yellow glow stick'] = 'ケミカルライト|黄色のケミカルライト',
  ['lime glow stick'] = 'ケミカルライト|黄緑色のケミカルライト',
  ['pink glow stick'] = 'ケミカルライト|桃色のケミカルライト',
  ['gray glow stick'] = 'ケミカルライト|灰色のケミカルライト',
  ['cyan glow stick'] = 'ケミカルライト|水色のケミカルライト',
  ['purple glow stick'] = 'ケミカルライト|紫色のケミカルライト',
  ['blue glow stick'] = 'ケミカルライト|青色のケミカルライト',
  ['brown glow stick'] = 'ケミカルライト|茶色のケミカルライト',
  ['green glow stick'] = 'ケミカルライト|緑色のケミカルライト',
  ['red glow stick'] = 'ケミカルライト|赤色のケミカルライト',
  ['hardened white stained glass'] = '強化ガラス|白色の色付き強化ガラス',
  ['hardened orange stained glass'] = '強化ガラス|橙色の色付き強化ガラス',
  ['hardened magenta stained glass'] = '強化ガラス|赤紫色の色付き強化ガラス',
  ['hardened light blue stained glass'] = '強化ガラス|空色の色付き強化ガラス',
  ['hardened yellow stained glass'] = '強化ガラス|黄色の色付き強化ガラス',
  ['hardened lime stained glass'] = '強化ガラス|黄緑色の色付き強化ガラス',
  ['hardened pink stained glass'] = '強化ガラス|桃色の色付き強化ガラス',
  ['hardened gray stained glass'] = '強化ガラス|灰色の色付き強化ガラス',
  ['hardened silver stained glass'] = '強化ガラス|薄灰色の色付き強化ガラス',
  ['hardened cyan stained glass'] = '強化ガラス|水色の色付き強化ガラス',
  ['hardened purple stained glass'] = '強化ガラス|紫色の色付き強化ガラス',
  ['hardened blue stained glass'] = '強化ガラス|青色の色付き強化ガラス',
  ['hardened brown stained glass'] = '強化ガラス|茶色の色付き強化ガラス',
  ['hardened green stained glass'] = '強化ガラス|緑色の色付き強化ガラス',
  ['hardened red stained glass'] = '強化ガラス|赤色の色付き強化ガラス',
  ['hardened black stained glass'] = '強化ガラス|黒色の色付き強化ガラス',
  ['hardened white stained glass pane'] = '強化ガラス板|白色の色付き強化ガラス板',
  ['hardened orange stained glass pane'] = '強化ガラス板|橙色の色付き強化ガラス板',
  ['hardened magenta stained glass pane'] = '強化ガラス板|赤紫色の色付き強化ガラス板',
  ['hardened light blue stained glass pane'] = '強化ガラス板|空色の色付き強化ガラス板',
  ['hardened yellow stained glass pane'] = '強化ガラス板|黄色の色付き強化ガラス板',
  ['hardened lime stained glass pane'] = '強化ガラス板|黄緑色の色付き強化ガラス板',
  ['hardened pink stained glass pane'] = '強化ガラス板|桃色の色付き強化ガラス板',
  ['hardened gray stained glass pane'] = '強化ガラス板|灰色の色付き強化ガラス板',
  ['hardened silver stained glass pane'] = '強化ガラス板|薄灰色の色付き強化ガラス板',
  ['hardened cyan stained glass pane'] = '強化ガラス板|水色の色付き強化ガラス板',
  ['hardened purple stained glass pane'] = '強化ガラス板|紫色の色付き強化ガラス板',
  ['hardened blue stained glass pane'] = '強化ガラス板|青色の色付き強化ガラス板',
  ['hardened brown stained glass pane'] = '強化ガラス板|茶色の色付き強化ガラス板',
  ['hardened green stained glass pane'] = '強化ガラス板|緑色の色付き強化ガラス板',
  ['hardened red stained glass pane'] = '強化ガラス板|赤色の色付き強化ガラス板',
  ['hardened black stained glass pane'] = '強化ガラス板|黒色の色付き強化ガラス板',
  ['last'] = 'これより下には追加しないように'
  --[''] = '',