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Horikou (トーク | 投稿記録)
タグ: ビジュアルエディタ
Horikou (トーク | 投稿記録)
タグ: ビジュアルエディタ
1行目: 1行目:
{{q|ああ、すまない相棒!私の罠にはまってしまったな。友情も良いけど、人を騙すのは明らかにもっと良いことだ。私は週末に仲間を穴に投げ入れて、かつて信頼していた仲間の顔をTNTで吹き飛ばすのが大好きなんだ。|Chris Priestman<ref>{{article|how-create-traps|How to Create Traps!|October 4, 2019|Chris Priestman}}</ref>||}}
{{q|ああ、すまない相棒!私の罠にはまってしまったな。友情も良いけど、人を騙すのは明らかにもっと良いことだ。週末に仲間を穴に投げ入れて、かつて信頼していた仲間の顔をTNTで吹き飛ばすのが私は大好きなんだ。|Chris Priestman<ref>{{article|how-create-traps|How to Create Traps!|October 4, 2019|Chris Priestman}}</ref>||}}
79行目: 79行目:
=== Instant landmine ===
=== 即席地雷 ===
|caption=Side view
89行目: 89行目:
If you are getting frustrated with wasted TNT because people run away from your landmine filled with tons of TNT, you should build a landmine that explodes instantly.
# 地面に3x3x3の穴を掘って、飛び込んで、角に立ちます。
# Dig a 3x3x3 hole in the ground, jump in, and stand on a corner.
# 中央に土ブロックを置き、その上に[[レール]]を置きます。
# On the center, place a block of dirt and a [[rail]] on top of it.
# レールの上に[[TNT付きトロッコ]]を置きます。押さないように注意して下さい。
# On the rail, place a [[minecart with TNT]]. Be careful not to push it.
# Destroy the block under the rail to derail the minecart. The minecart will fall one block lower, this won't really cause any damage unless you accidentally pushed the minecart.
# 示されているように、トロッコの上に[[火打石と打ち金]]が入った[[ディスペンサー]]を置きます。
# Put a [[dispenser]] with [[flint and steel]] above the minecart like shown.
# トロッコをTNTで囲み、全て覆い、上に[[感圧板]]を設置します。
# Surround the minecart with TNT, cover it all up, and place a [[pressure plate]] on top.
=== Tree trap ===
=== 木トラップ ===
{{Schematic|caption=The tree trap|
|GB-$|obs-s|GB-$ |-
|GB-$|obs-s|GB-$ |-
105行目: 105行目:
When the player chops down the tree, the [[TNT]] will be lit by the [[observer]]. The observer can be replaced by a [[lever]] and a [[Logic circuit#NOT gate|NOT Gate]] if you are short on [[quartz]].
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===Cake Trap===
{{Schematic||slab||-|GB-$|obs-s|GB-$|-|dirt|tnt-$|dirt|caption=ハーフブロックはケーキにします。土は任意のブロックに交換できます。}}ケーキを食べると爆発します! このトラップでは、ケーキを食べるとオブザーバーがケーキ中の更新を検知しTNTを着火させます。 1) 2ブロック掘り下げます。 2) 底にTNTを置きます。 3) TNTの上に上向きのオブザーバーを置きます。 4) オブザーバーの上にケーキを置きます。
{{Schematic||slab||-|GB-$|obs-s|GB-$|-|dirt|tnt-$|dirt|caption=Replace the slab with cake. Replace the dirt with any block.}}You eat the cake, you explode! In this trap when you eat the cake, the observer senses the update in the cake and ignites the TNT. 1) Dig down 2 blocks. 2) Place TNT at the bottom. 3) On top of the TNT place an observer pointing up. 4) On top of the observer place cake.
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=== Death temple ===
=== 死の寺院 ===
{{Schematic|caption= Replace sand with sandstone.||spp-$||-|
{{Schematic|caption= 砂は砂岩にします。||spp-$||-|
[[砂漠の寺院]]で[[感圧板]]の下に[[BUDスイッチ|BUD]]を作成します。プレイヤーが解除しようとすると、ドッカーン! [[オブザーバー]]を使う場合は、感圧板が完全に覆っていないため、プレイヤーが気付く可能性がある事に注意して下さい。
Create [[BUD]] underneath the [[pressure plate]] in a [[desert temple]]. If a player should try to disarm it, KABOOM! Note that if you use the [[observer]], players might be able to detect it, since the pressure plate won't cover it completely.
=== The hidden house ===
=== 隠れ家 ===
{{schematic|caption=TNT field trap|
125行目: 125行目:
このトラップは[[チュートリアル/トラップ#地雷|TNTドアトラップ]]の反対です:家が隠れている間は[[TNT]]は明らかに見えています。地面に約5ブロック伸びるTNTの床を作ります。畑のあちこちに「私の隠れ家を探せ」という看板を立てます。TNTの危険性と隠れ家への挑戦の二つの理由から人々を誘い込みます。問題は、家がないということです! 床の下にはTNTを着火させる感圧板があり、TNTの床は5ブロック下にあるため、脱出する時間が与えられません。
This trap is the opposite of a [[#The landmine|TNT door trap]]: The [[TNT]] is obvious, while the house is hidden. Make a field of TNT extending about 5 blocks into the ground. Place signs all over the field saying: "Find my hidden house." It lures people in twice: the TNT danger, and the hidden house challenge. The problem is that there is no house! Beneath the field are pressure plates which ignite the TNT, leaving no time to escape, as you are in a field of TNT 5 blocks under.
=== TNT Floor House ===
=== TNTの床の家 ===
Blow up a fake base and kill assailants attacking you! (this can also be used for demolition)
# 疑われないような拠点、出来れば半分隠れているようなものを作ります。
# Build a base, preferably a half-hidden one, as not to arouse suspicion.
# 床を[[TNT]]で作り、その上にカーペットを敷き、普通の家のように見えるようにします。
# Make the floor with [[TNT]] and put some carpet on it to look like a normal decorated house.
# 入口に鉄のドアを設置し、ドアを開ける感圧板を付けます。感圧板を拠点の方へ向けます。
# Have an iron door as the entrance, with a pressure plate to open it. Redirect the pressure plate towards the base.
# 下にTNTブロックを置きますが、余分に手順を踏む必要があり、リピータを使って着火を贈らせる回路を作ります。そのためTNTの音が聞こえてすぐに退却するということがないようになっています。
# Below, place a block of TNT, but an extra step you can take is to have a circuit which delays the fuse using repeaters so the target won't retreat as soon as they hear the ''hisss'' of the TNT.
If any enemy, mob or player steps on the pressure plate (potential griefers included), they will be blown sky-high!
=== Explosive house ===
=== 爆発する家 ===
Griefers love blowing and burning people's houses up. This trap turns the grief onto the griefer.
# Make a decoy house out of [[wood]] and possibly [[wool]].
# 下の区域をTNTで満たし、TNTの「導線」を家から伸びるようにします。
# Fill the area under it with TNT and make some "rays" of TNT extend from the house.
# 荒らしが家を燃やそうとすれば、おそらく予想よりも多くの打撃を得ることになるでしょう!
# If a griefer happens to burn the house down, they will probably get a bit more of a bang than they expected!
If you use this for demolition (that is, if you have any fragile buildings to be destroyed), you can set it and wait for somebody else to do the work for you by setting it off unknowingly.
=== C4 trap ===
=== 爆薬トラップ ===
The "C4 trap" is a vertical or horizontal stack of [[TNT]] with a button wired to a [[dispenser]] with a [[fire charge]] in it. The dispenser is placed one block above or below the stack (vertical) or one block next to the stack (horizontal). This usually works better for demolition than for a trap. If you want to use it as a trap, wire a [[pressure plate]] to the dispenser. This works similarly to a flaming [[arrow]] hitting a stack of TNT from above. This works better than a dispenser shooting TNT, because the "C4" stays in one place. Also, if only two TNT blocks are used, it works well as a disposable cannon, even better on obsidian blocks, but not in a tube. All evidence of the trap is usually destroyed. Note: C4 trap from below does not work very well.
== 落とし穴トラップ ==
== Pitfall traps ==
These traps primarily use fall damage to harm the target.
* 落とし穴の底に[[サボテン]]で市松模様を作ります。サボテンはアイテムも破壊します。
Some minor variation can make a simple pit much more deadly.
* 大きな空間を掘らずとも落とし穴の大きさを効果的に改善するには、落とし穴の最上層の周りに浅い輪を掘ってください。この区域を[[水]]で満たして、Mobが中央に引きずられるようにします。これにより、落下ダメージが軽減されることには注意して下さい。
* Make checkerboard pattern of [[cactus|cacti]] at the bottom of a pit. Cacti does destroy items, though.
* To effectively improve the size of your pit without digging a larger area, dig a shallow ring around the top layer of your pit. Fill this area with [[water]] so that mobs will be dragged to the center. Note that this will reduce fall damage.
=== Sand trap ===
=== 砂トラップ ===
{{Schematic|caption=Sand trap
163行目: 162行目:
When the target walks on top of the trap, break the bottom block of [[sand]]. It is a good idea to disguise the trap by making a house on top of the sand. If you do this, you will probably want to put in carpet so as to not make it so obvious. Some variations:
* 下のブロックを貴重なものにすることで、対象に自分で砂を壊させられるかもしれません。
* You may be able to get the target to break the sand themselves by making the bottom block valuable.
* 底部の砂ブロックに[[ピストン]]を取り付けてトラップを自動化することもできます。[[感圧板]]が押された時にピストンをひっこめたい場合は[[論理回路#NOTゲート|NOTゲート]]を使用します。また、オブザーバーと誘惑物を使って''[置いた貴重なブロック]''を欲しがるプレイヤーをおびき寄せる事もできます。
* You can automate the trap by attaching a [[piston]] to the bottom block of sand. If you want to retract the piston when a [[pressure plate]] is pressed, use a [[Mechanics/Redstone/Logic circuit#NOT Gate|NOT Gate]]. You could also use an observer and a piece of bait to lure in any players wanting a piece of that ''[whatever valuable block you placed]''.
=== Fence trap {{verify}} ===
=== フェンストラップ {{verify}} ===
Construct a hallway. A diagonal hallway works best. Fence posts should be underneath the path and you should drop the sand or gravel for the floor on the fences. Below the fences, you can have a pit.
This works because when a gravity-affected block falls on a fence post, the block stays as an entity. As a result, a player walking between the fence posts will fall through the sand entities, causing them to plummet. Diagonal hallways make it more likely to fall through the sand without landing safely on a fence post. Keep in mind that the sand is going to look half a block higher than a normal block, but this can easily be covered up. The best part: it does not need to be reset!
=== Chest pitfall {{verify}} ===
=== チェストの落とし穴 {{verify}} ===
# プレイヤーの一日を台無しにしてしまうような高度に到達するまで2x2の穴を掘ります。
# Dig a 2x2 hole until you reach a drop which would ruin any player's day.
# 2x2の穴の上に1ブロックごとに、チェストにアイテムを搬入するホッパーを置きます。
# Place 4 hoppers, one per block on the 2x2 hole, pointing into chests.
# 下にあるチェストを開けられる部屋のようなものを作ります。
# Build some kind of hall to access the chests below.
This can work in conjunction with other traps. The player drops down into the pit, and at the bottom, they die and their items are sucked into the hoppers for you to use.
=== Painting trap ===
=== 絵画トラップ ===
{{schematic|caption=A painting trap. Place painting(s) instead of vines.
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This is a very easy to make trap which plays on the old secret passage behind the [[painting]] trick. The target may unwittingly decide to check for a secret passage behind the painting. Big mistake.
=== Fake chunk error ===
=== 偽チャンクエラー ===
Dig a 16&times;16 hole, preferably in line with real [[chunk]]s, at least 20 blocks deep. Some inexperienced players may think it is a chunk error and walk in.
=== Fake water pitfall ===
=== 偽の水クッション ===
{{schematic|caption=Fake water, fake secret passage.|
Dig a hole (2&times;2 works best) at least 30 blocks deep, the deeper the better. At the bottom place a [[block of lapis lazuli]], a block of [[blue wool]] or a block of [[blue stained glass]]. Add a false corridor at the bottom to make it look like it goes somewhere. When an unsuspecting player comes across the hole, they may think that there is water at the bottom, jump down and die. Experienced players are less likely to fall for this particular trap but it generally works quite well. You can also place real water insted of blocks if you're wearing frost walker boots, just go down there, hind in the fake secret passage and sneak to hide nametag. Use F3 to see if a player is coming. If someone falls down, quickly move to freeze the water.
=== Snowball trap ===
=== 雪玉トラップ ===
{{schematic|caption=Snowball trap.|
Load a [[dispenser]] with snowballs (or other [[knockback]] item), and connect it to a [[pressure plate]]. When the target walks across the plate, the dispenser, if aimed correctly, shoots a snowball and knocks the target into the pit. You can also replace the dispenser with a piston.
=== Piston pit ===
=== ピストン落とし穴 ===
{{Schematic|caption=Automatic piston pitfall
215行目: 214行目:
Place the [[piston]] so it pushes the block the [[sign]]s are on. The player can make up to twelve rows using one piston. Make sure there is a block of empty space at the end of where the piston pushes. Connect the piston to a trigger, such a [[pressure plate]] or [[lever]], and when the piston moves it should break the signs and cause the sand to fall along with the target. It is also possible to do this by pushing a line of blocks with torches or buttons on them, which may be slightly cheaper. Alternatively, use a [[sticky piston]] connected to a [[NOT gate]] which retracts a block with a sign on it, which allows the player to use more than 12 rows.
=== Fake elevator ===
=== 偽エレベーター ===
{{Schematic|caption=Fake water elevator
226行目: 225行目:
{{Schematic|caption=Real water elevator
233行目: 232行目:
Make what is shown in the schematic, a water elevator with water only on the top block. Make sure the hole is 30-40 blocks deep, which is enough to kill the player. It could help to place a lure sign near the 'elevator' saying something like "Do not enter!" You can also make the signs' text something like a floor countdown like "35", "34", "33", etc. so players are more likely to fall for the trap. If they want, you can place hoppers and with chests so you can gather the loot from the victims, but if they really want the drops, they will need a secret passage to the bottom of the pit for collection.
=== Floating sand pitfall ===
=== 浮砂の落とし穴 ===
{{Schematic|caption=Floating sand pitfall.
243行目: 242行目:
1. 任意の大きさで3ブロックの深さの穴を掘ります。下に植物を置く必要があるので、土であることを確認して下さい。
1. Dig a 3-block deep hole of any size. Make sure it's dirt because you need to put plants below.
2. 穴の底に背の高い植物を設置します。
2. Place double tall plants in the base of the pit.
3. 上に砂を置きます。
3. Put sand on top.
4. 背の高い植物を壊します。そして穴を掘ります。
4. Break the double tall plants. Then, dig a pit.
5. 植物を壊して完了です。浮砂の落とし穴ができました。
5. Break the double plant, and done. You got a floating sand pitfall.
When the target triggers a block update (by breaking the sand or by other means) they will fall into the pit below.
(Does not work in 1.16)
=== False-floor trap ===
=== 偽床トラップ ===
A false-floor trap is a variation of a pitfall trap. It works by creating a concealed safe route through the pitfall (which is usually very big) to allow authorized players to pass, while catching unauthorized players or mobs and killing them. It generally works best when there is no way around, forcing the player to pass through the trap.
# 落とし穴を掘ります。深くて長いほどよいです。
# Dig a pit. The deeper and longer the better.
# Place [[TNT]] to build a bridge across the pit. It should be at least 2 blocks wide, preferably more as someone could cheat otherwise.
# TNTの一部を[[松明]]に交換します。次の手順を読んで、交換する物を理解して下さい。
# Replace some of the TNT with [[torch]]es. Read the next step to understand which ones to replace.
# 松明の上に[[砂]]や[[砂利]]を置きます。砂だけを踏んで橋を渡ってみてください。砂の端から離れ続ける必要があるので、最後にさらに難しくなります。そのため、行えるかどうかを確認して下さい。
# On top of the torches, place [[sand]] or [[gravel]]. Try to get across the bridge now by only stepping on the sand. Make sure you can do it, because it will be even harder at the end as you must stay off the edges of the sand.
# 満足のいく道を選んだら、前と同じブロックでTNTを覆います。
# Once you have picked a satisfactory path, cover up the TNT with the same blocks as before.
# 砂や砂利の上に[[感圧板]]を置きます。
# Place [[pressure plate]]s over all the sand/gravel.
If anyone steps on one of the pressure plates with TNT under it, the TNT will explode causing the whole bridge to collapse! Note: You will need to have something under the TNT, perhaps more TNT or something easily destructible to make sure the TNT doesn't fall and fail to ignite the rest of the TNT.
== Water traps ==
[[Water]] traps use water to suffocate, trap, or push the target. None of these traps will work on zombies, as they will turn into [[drowned]] after drowning, instead of dying. Players who use potions of water breathing will also be unaffected.
== 水トラップ ==
=== 偽水エレベーター ===
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=== Fake water elevator ===
{{Schematic|caption=Cobblestone can be swapped for obsidian|Co|Co|Co|-|
Make a water elevator using [[soul sand]] bubble column, but without an exit at the top. The column will force the unfortunate player upward, where they will be trapped against the ceiling, unable to break their way out because of the fact that blocks break much slower underwater. Cobblestone can be swapped for obsidian. This can also be used reversely, with magma blocks, taking advantage of the fact players cannot swim upwards easily. In both cases, the players may not drown since they're in a bubble column.
=== Retrieval trap ===
=== 奪取トラップ ===
[[File:trap.jpg|thumb|right|A trap made with water and dirt which can kill any mob except zombies.]]
Create a water current that drags the mobs down under a solid block. The current will hold the mobs under until they drown. The loot from the mobs will float, making the collection hard. If you use this trap to kill [[zombie]]s, they won't die, but will turn into [[drowned]] instead. This trap will also not work on skeletons.
=== Whirlpool trap ===
=== 渦巻きトラップ ===
Through clever use of [[magma block]]s, you can pull the target down into water. It should be noted that it's possible to breathe while inside a bubble column, so this trap is not useful for drowning players.
=== Pufferfish Pit ===
=== フグの落とし穴 ===
Dig a 1 block wide, 1 block long, 2 block deep pit with a magma block floor. Replace the 4 adjacent blocks to the air block at the bottom with trapdoors (make sure they open towards the magma so the pufferfish don't escape and die) and open them, then put a pufferfish in each one. Fill the pit with water, and (optional) add an open trapdoor in the hole, which mob AI sees as a solid block. The magma pulls it down and causes fire damage, while the pufferfish poison and damage the mob/player who fell in or was knocked in.
Note: This could be disguised as an elevator to a secret by putting the magma further down.
Resource requirements: 1 magma block, 4 buckets of pufferfish, 4 trapdoors (any), and 2 water buckets.
== Lava traps ==
== 溶岩トラップ ==
[[Lava]] traps usually use lava to burn the target, or distract them for an easier kill. Note that most of these traps will destroy the loot.
=== Lava staircase trap===
=== 溶岩階段トラップ===
{{Schematic|caption=A lava staircase trap|
| |stone|stone|stone|-|
| |stone|stone|stone|-|
309行目: 305行目:
This trap can be handy for players who want to deal with assailants. The player should lure the target into the staircase for this trap to be most effective.
# 標準的な階段を掘り下げます。利用可能な空間が狭いほどよいです。
# Dig a standard staircase down a ways. The tighter the space available the better.
# 一定の距離を置いた後、階段に[[石の感圧板]]を設置します。溶け込むように配置することをお勧めします。模式図では視認性を考慮して木の感圧板を使用しています。
# After a certain distance, plate a [[stone pressure plate]] in the staircase. It's suggested to place it so it blends in. In the schematic, a wooden pressure plate is used for visibility.
# 上向きの小道に一定の距離だけ[[レッドストーンダスト]]を設置します。階段の他の部分と見分けがつかないように注意して下さい。
# Place [[redstone dust]] in an upward trail for a certain distance. Make sure it does not look different from any other part of the staircase.
# ダストを[[ディスペンサー]]に接続し、中に[[溶岩入りバケツ]]を入れます。
# Connect the dust to a [[dispenser]] and put a [[lava bucket]] inside.
When the target steps on the pressure plate, it will be trapped by the lava running down the staircase. Even if they have [[Fire Resistance]], it will take a long time to wade back up.
対象が感圧板を踏むと、階段を駆け下りる溶岩に引っかかってしまいます。[[火炎耐性 (ステータス効果)|火炎耐性]]を持っていても、よじ登ってくるまでに時間がかかるでしょう。
This trap can be expanded to make a handy escape mechanism. If you place the pressure plate on the upward side of the dispenser, the lava will flow down onto anyone chasing you. You could also make a hidden escape at the bottom. Just make sure you have a button to remove the lava.
With some clever [[piston]] work, the entire trap could be concealed except the pressure plate. Be wary of stepping on the trap yourself or placing the pressure plate in the wrong location.
There are many variations of this trap, so don't be scared to alter elements of it, especially concerning the direction (descending or ascending), who steps on the trap (you or assailant) and more.
=== Chest lava trap ===
{{Schematic|caption=Chest trap|-
=== チェスト溶岩トラップ ===
332行目: 329行目:
# 互いに対面している[[粘着ピストン]]を2行構築し、行は4ブロック離す。
# Build 2 rows of [[sticky piston]]s such that are facing each other and the rows are 4 blocks apart.
# 粘着ピストンの行に固体ブロックを取り付けます。
# Attach solid blocks to the rows of sticky pistons.
# Link the rows of pistons to [[redstone torch]]es.
# レッドストーントーチに[[トラップチェスト]]を取り付けます。
# Attach the [[trapped chest]] to the redstone torches.
# 粘着ピストンの下に穴を掘り、溶岩で満たします。
# Dig a hole below the sticky pistons and fill it with lava.
# トラップチェストの周りを装飾して、プレイヤーを引き付けましょう!
# Decorate the area around the trapped chest to attract players!
=== Lava pit ===
=== 溶岩の落とし穴 ===
# 4ブロック以上の深さの3x3の穴を作成します。
# Make a 3x3 pit at least 4 blocks deep.
# 上部に[[溶岩]]、中央に[[はしご]]、下部に[[水]]を設置します。
# Place [[lava]] at the top, [[ladder]]s in the middle, and [[water]] at the bottom.
# トラップに入ってMobの戦利品を入手する場合は、溶岩の中で燃やし、ドロップは水の中に行きます。
# If you get mobs to go into the trap, they will burn in the lava and their drops should go into the water.
=== Lava door ===
=== 溶岩ドア ===
Make a house, and right inside the front door make a pit with lava. Most players will likely notice the trap and avoid it, so it works only on really careless players.
=== トラップドア溶岩落とし穴 ===
=== Trapdoor lava pit ===
If the target should wander onto the [[pressure plate]], good luck getting off!
[[File:PLTig.png|thumb|An example of a trapdoor lava pit.]]
=== Lava filler ===
=== 溶岩で埋め尽くす ===
# Make a [[stone]] room.
# 部屋に[[感圧板]]を設置します。
# Place a [[pressure plate]] in the room.
# 天井にある[[溶岩]]で満たされた[[ディスペンサー]]に感圧板を繋ぎます。
# Connect the plate to a [[dispenser]] with [[lava]] in it on the ceiling.
{{yt|KLQTD3N4BCw}}<br />{{-}}
{{yt|KLQTD3N4BCw}}<br />{{-}}
== Capture traps ==
== 捕獲トラップ ==
These traps don't actually kill the target. Instead another trap is often used, or the player can come later to kill captured mobs.
===Curiosity trap===
1. 3×3の平らな土地の部分の上に感圧板を置きます。
1.Place a pressure plate on a piece of 3 by 3 flat land.
2. 感圧板を踏むとドアが閉まり脱出の機会が無くなるように、鉄のドアを4つ設置します。
2. Place 4 iron doors in a way that when you step on the pressure plate, the doors will close, revoking your chance to escape.
3. 耐爆風性があるか、壊れない天井を設置します。また、感圧板の下にオブザーバーを置いて、プレイヤーが脱出しようとすると吹き飛ばされるようにTNTを何個か接続します。これはプレイヤーを罠にかけるだけでなく、プレイヤーが脱出しようとするとプレイヤーを殺してしまいます。また、オブザーバーを地形に溶け込むブロックに置き換えて、TNTが見えないようにすることもできます。
3. Place a ceiling that is either blast resistant or unbreakable. Also have an observer under the pressure plate that connects to some TNT so that when a player tries to escape, they will get blown up. This not only traps the player, it also kills the player if they try to escape. You can also replace the observer with a block that blends in with the terrain so that they cannot see the TNT.
Disclaimer: This might work on only inexperienced players because pros can use the parts that are shown to think of what might happen to them if they went in. You may also have a bait like having a dropper that throws out diamonds to lure them over to the trap.
=== Piston trap ===
=== ピストントラップ ===
{{Schematic|caption=Piston trap
376行目: 373行目:
This trap is best for 2-tall tunnels, perhaps inside a friend’s mine. Make sure there is a roof over it, so when the target hits the [[pressure plate]], it cannot escape. When the pressure plate is stepped on, two [[piston]]s push up. Note that players will easily be able to break blocks and escape so you probably will want to combine this with another trap.
=== Door trap ===
=== ドアトラップ ===
This is a very simple and rather obvious trap that is made by putting a [[pressure plate]] in the middle of 4 open [[iron door]]s so that the target is trapped inside when they enter. If using this trap against mobs such as [[skeleton]]s, you don’t have to use iron doors.
=== Shallow pitfall ===
=== 浅い落とし穴 ===
Dig a 1-block deep pit at least 5x5 blocks. Place [[fence]]s on the inside edge. Since fences count as one and one half blocks in height, mobs can walk in, but cannot jump out. Alternatively, line the outside with half-slabs. This can also be combined with a mob grinder, via water currents leading to it. [[Zombie]]s and [[Skeleton]]s will take damage from sunlight during the day if the pit is uncovered, making this an effective way to sort out creepers. This design does not capture [[spider]]s.
=== Trapping pool ===
=== トラッププール ===
This trap is designed to trap [[skeleton]]s and [[zombie]]s, not to kill them!
# 5x5の正方形を掘ります。
# Dig out a 5x5 square.
# 中央に3x3の正方形の深さ2層の穴を掘ります。
# Dig a 3x3 square 2 layers deep in the center.
# 水が上に沿って流れていない場所で、角のそれぞれに、上の各側の真ん中に水を設置します。
# Place water in each of the corners and in the middle of each side on the top, where the water isn't flowing along the top.
=== Slime trap ===
=== スライムトラップ ===
This simple trap targets slimes.
# 3ブロックの深さの4x4の穴を掘ります。
# Dig a 4x4 hole three blocks deep.
# 底の層を水で満たし、底にはすべて水が残っているようにします。
# Fill the bottom layer with water, so that it is all still water on the bottom.
When a slime of any size wanders around, it may fall into the hole. Since slimes cannot jump in water, it will not be able to escape. You can come by later and kill all the slimes. If you are not interested in the drops, just leave them into lower slime population. This trap is best on superflat survival worlds where slimes spawn frequently. In that case, water can be obtained in villages.
=== Repeater one way {{verify}} ===
If a [[redstone repeater]] is in a 2 block high space, like a tunnel, you will crouch automatically as you walk over it. However, you will not crouch if the repeater is blocking the entrance of a tunnel. However, redstone repeaters are broken instantly when mined, making this trap effortless to escape.
=== 片道リピーター {{verify}} ===
<br />
トンネルのような高さ2ブロックの空間に[[レッドストーンリピーター]]がある場合、その上を歩くと自動的にしゃがむようになります。ただし、リピーターがトンネルの入り口をふさいでいる場合はしゃがむことはありませんが、レッドストーンリピーターを採掘すると即座に壊れてしまうためこのトラップは簡単に脱出できます。<br />
=== Quicksand ===
=== 流砂 ===
Step 1: Dig down an x/1<y/z (However wide and long you want, a minimum of 2 blocks deep) hole with soul sand on the bottom
Step 2: Fill it with water that goes up to 1 block below ground level, make sure bubble columns are made
Step 3/4: Fill in the area at ground level with cobwebs*
Step 3/4: Place sand in the bubble columns*
Step 5: Knock someone in!

2020年9月13日 (日) 06:01時点における版

Book and Quill


Chris Priestman[1]








































  • 景観を保護したい場合は、穴の底に水源を2つ設置することができます。砂・砂利が水源を埋める可能性があるので、そこにハーフブロックを置いてください。しかし、この方法はダメージを減らす可能性があります。
  • これはドアの横にうまく偽装されており、プレイヤーはドアを開けるためのものだと思う可能性がある。
  • その下に穴を掘ることで、プレイヤーを落とすこともできる。
  • 地雷の周りに背の高い草を生やすなど、地雷を目立たなくすることでごまかしてみてください。
  • コンクリートパウダーは水に触れるとコンクリートに固まって水源を冷やしてしまうため、この設計では使用できません。




  1. 地面に3x3x3の穴を掘って、飛び込んで、角に立ちます。
  2. 中央に土ブロックを置き、その上にレールを置きます。
  3. レールの上にTNT付きトロッコを置きます。押さないように注意して下さい。
  4. レールの下にあるブロックを破壊して、トロッコを脱線させます。トロッコは1ブロック下に落ちますが、これは誤ってトロッコを押していなければ実際には何の損害もありません。
  5. 示されているように、トロッコの上に火打石と打ち金が入ったディスペンサーを置きます。
  6. トロッコをTNTで囲み、全て覆い、上に感圧板を設置します。







ケーキを食べると爆発します! このトラップでは、ケーキを食べるとオブザーバーがケーキ中の更新を検知しTNTを着火させます。 1) 2ブロック掘り下げます。 2) 底にTNTを置きます。 3) TNTの上に上向きのオブザーバーを置きます。 4) オブザーバーの上にケーキを置きます。



砂漠の寺院感圧板の下にBUDを作成します。プレイヤーが解除しようとすると、ドッカーン! オブザーバーを使う場合は、感圧板が完全に覆っていないため、プレイヤーが気付く可能性がある事に注意して下さい。



このトラップはTNTドアトラップの反対です:家が隠れている間はTNTは明らかに見えています。地面に約5ブロック伸びるTNTの床を作ります。畑のあちこちに「私の隠れ家を探せ」という看板を立てます。TNTの危険性と隠れ家への挑戦の二つの理由から人々を誘い込みます。問題は、家がないということです! 床の下にはTNTを着火させる感圧板があり、TNTの床は5ブロック下にあるため、脱出する時間が与えられません。



  1. 疑われないような拠点、出来れば半分隠れているようなものを作ります。
  2. 床をTNTで作り、その上にカーペットを敷き、普通の家のように見えるようにします。
  3. 入口に鉄のドアを設置し、ドアを開ける感圧板を付けます。感圧板を拠点の方へ向けます。
  4. 下にTNTブロックを置きますが、余分に手順を踏む必要があり、リピータを使って着火を贈らせる回路を作ります。そのためTNTの音が聞こえてすぐに退却するということがないようになっています。




  1. 羊毛などからおとりの家を作ります。
  2. 下の区域をTNTで満たし、TNTの「導線」を家から伸びるようにします。
  3. 荒らしが家を燃やそうとすれば、おそらく予想よりも多くの打撃を得ることになるでしょう!






  • 落とし穴の底にサボテンで市松模様を作ります。サボテンはアイテムも破壊します。
  • 大きな空間を掘らずとも落とし穴の大きさを効果的に改善するには、落とし穴の最上層の周りに浅い輪を掘ってください。この区域をで満たして、Mobが中央に引きずられるようにします。これにより、落下ダメージが軽減されることには注意して下さい。




  • 下のブロックを貴重なものにすることで、対象に自分で砂を壊させられるかもしれません。
  • 底部の砂ブロックにピストンを取り付けてトラップを自動化することもできます。感圧板が押された時にピストンをひっこめたい場合はNOTゲートを使用します。また、オブザーバーと誘惑物を使って[置いた貴重なブロック]を欲しがるプレイヤーをおびき寄せる事もできます。

フェンストラップ [要検証]



チェストの落とし穴 [要検証]

  1. プレイヤーの一日を台無しにしてしまうような高度に到達するまで2x2の穴を掘ります。
  2. 2x2の穴の上に1ブロックごとに、チェストにアイテムを搬入するホッパーを置きます。
  3. 下にあるチェストを開けられる部屋のようなものを作ります。





















1. 任意の大きさで3ブロックの深さの穴を掘ります。下に植物を置く必要があるので、土であることを確認して下さい。

2. 穴の底に背の高い植物を設置します。

3. 上に砂を置きます。

4. 背の高い植物を壊します。そして穴を掘ります。

5. 植物を壊して完了です。浮砂の落とし穴ができました。





  1. 落とし穴を掘ります。深くて長いほどよいです。
  2. TNTを置いて落とし穴に橋を架けます。橋の幅は最低でも2ブロック、出来ればもっと広くしてください。
  3. TNTの一部を松明に交換します。次の手順を読んで、交換する物を理解して下さい。
  4. 松明の上に砂利を置きます。砂だけを踏んで橋を渡ってみてください。砂の端から離れ続ける必要があるので、最後にさらに難しくなります。そのため、行えるかどうかを確認して下さい。
  5. 満足のいく道を選んだら、前と同じブロックでTNTを覆います。
  6. 砂や砂利の上に感圧板を置きます。






















  1. 標準的な階段を掘り下げます。利用可能な空間が狭いほどよいです。
  2. 一定の距離を置いた後、階段に石の感圧板を設置します。溶け込むように配置することをお勧めします。模式図では視認性を考慮して木の感圧板を使用しています。
  3. 上向きの小道に一定の距離だけレッドストーンダストを設置します。階段の他の部分と見分けがつかないように注意して下さい。
  4. ダストをディスペンサーに接続し、中に溶岩入りバケツを入れます。






  1. 互いに対面している粘着ピストンを2行構築し、行は4ブロック離す。
  2. 粘着ピストンの行に固体ブロックを取り付けます。
  3. レッドストーントーチにピストンの行を繋げます。
  4. レッドストーントーチにトラップチェストを取り付けます。
  5. 粘着ピストンの下に穴を掘り、溶岩で満たします。
  6. トラップチェストの周りを装飾して、プレイヤーを引き付けましょう!


  1. 4ブロック以上の深さの3x3の穴を作成します。
  2. 上部に溶岩、中央にはしご、下部にを設置します。
  3. トラップに入ってMobの戦利品を入手する場合は、溶岩の中で燃やし、ドロップは水の中に行きます。








  1. の部屋を作ります。
  2. 部屋に感圧板を設置します。
  3. 天井にある溶岩で満たされたディスペンサーに感圧板を繋ぎます。




1. 3×3の平らな土地の部分の上に感圧板を置きます。

2. 感圧板を踏むとドアが閉まり脱出の機会が無くなるように、鉄のドアを4つ設置します。

3. 耐爆風性があるか、壊れない天井を設置します。また、感圧板の下にオブザーバーを置いて、プレイヤーが脱出しようとすると吹き飛ばされるようにTNTを何個か接続します。これはプレイヤーを罠にかけるだけでなく、プレイヤーが脱出しようとするとプレイヤーを殺してしまいます。また、オブザーバーを地形に溶け込むブロックに置き換えて、TNTが見えないようにすることもできます。











  1. 5x5の正方形を掘ります。
  2. 中央に3x3の正方形の深さ2層の穴を掘ります。
  3. 水が上に沿って流れていない場所で、角のそれぞれに、上の各側の真ん中に水を設置します。



  1. 3ブロックの深さの4x4の穴を掘ります。
  2. 底の層を水で満たし、底にはすべて水が残っているようにします。


片道リピーター [要検証]








Explanation: The bubble columns keep the sand on the same level as the cobwebs, so it just looks like slightly darker sand (entity and block shading are different) but sand entities don't collide with players or mobs, so you get stuck in the cobwebs and you need to use a sword or shears to break them, and you have to hit through the sand entities. You could also break a block at the edge of the hole.

NOTE: Only works on BE, in Java the sand will eventually break (Please confirm, I came up with this trap about a month ago playing on my Switch and saw the same trap made on r/Minecraft yesterday, and people said the sand breaks in Java)

*You can do step 4 before 3, or vice versa, so they're 3/4

Piston traps

These traps use pistons to harm the target.

Crushing trap

A piston suffocation trap

This is ideal at the end of a water flow mob grinder as it minimizes drop losses. The design can be expanded to make a long row.

Honeycomb trap

A simple honeycomb trap. Replace the wool with a honeycomb block.

Connect two sticky pistons to a clock circuit so that they rapidly push a honeycomb block back and forth. If done correctly a player fallen into this trap will be unable to get out. Honeycomb block was chosen because tools do not affect the breaking speed, even with enchantments. (Don't hoes mine honeycomb faster as of 1.16? I could be wrong but someone should check this.)

Cake trap

  1. Dig down two blocks in a flat area and put a piston at the bottom.
  2. Dig down two blocks around the piston and put redstone dust at the bottom.
  3. Dig down two blocks around the redstone and put pistons at the bottom.
  4. Cover everything up with the block(s) of your choice.
  5. Place pressure plates in a ring around the center block, above the redstone.
  6. Put a cake on top of the center piston.
  7. Above the outer ring of pistons, place blocks in the air so there is room to walk under if the pistons are retracted.

If the target moves too near to the cake, the pistons will trap them and destroy the cake.

Pitfall trap

This device uses pistons to push entities into a pit.

Manual traps

These traps require the player to manually trigger the trap, or perhaps even be the trap.

Grave digging

Ask someone if they could dig down at a spot, perhaps because you lost diamonds there. When they get far enough, cover them with sand or gravel. You can also use lava for a more dramatic death, however, this will destroy their drops as well. This will probably only work on inexperienced players.

Facebreaker trap

  1. Make a tower that is at least three blocks high so it will be seen from a distance. This will work best when built in a flat area such as plains or desert. The tower will act as a bait for this trap.
  2. Around the tower, dig a pit at least three blocks deep. If you want this trap to be fully automatic, dig the pit at least 30 blocks deep.
  3. When the target falls in the pit, drop gravel on the target. If you dug the pit at least 30 blocks deep, this isn't necessary, because most players will die from fall damage anyway.

If done correctly, the gravel blocks should fall on your target's head, thus trapping or killing him. Hence the name facebreaker. Make sure not to take too long or else the target may escape jumping off the gravel or placing blocks.

Ore tower

For a fully automated version, replace the top TNT with an observer.
  1. Make a tall watchtower.
  2. At the top out of sight, put a bunch of TNT.
  3. Make a vertical redstone path to the TNT with a lever to activate it.
  4. Put a lure at the top, and ask someone to go get it. When they get to the top, pull the lever.

Return home to a potion of instant damage II

Note: This trap needs to be built on an already existing ender pearl "stasis chamber" where a player throws an ender pearl in and it teleports them back if the chamber is turned off, or a player enters it

1: Throw in a lot of splash potions of various negative effects. Make sure they don't shatter.

2: Trigger the ender pearl, teleporting the player who threw it into the splash potions, which shatter, possibly killing them

Other traps

The traps here do not yet fit into any of the other categories.

Spike trap

The spike trap.

Materials: a dispenser, a pressure plate and any type of arrows.

  1. Dig a 1x1x1 hole.
  2. Place a dispenser facing up in the hole and fill it with arrows.
  3. Place a stone pressure plate on top of the dispenser.
  4. If the target steps onto the pressure plate, they will get shot by an arrow.

This trap is not lethal, except to players or mobs with very low health. It could be made to be more of an annoyance if you replace the arrows with tipped arrows with potions such as Slowness, Poison, Weakness, or even fire charge to inflict fire damage.

Slow monologue trap

The slow monologue trap.

Use shears to collect spider webs. Then dig a 3 block deep hole placing lava at the bottom and cobwebs on the top layer. Anyone not watching their step could get caught in the web and slowly fall to their death, allowing you to get a few dramatic words in as they die.

Falling minecart [要検証]

There is a way to 'store' fall damage in a minecart and later have someone take that damage even though they don't actually fall a distance that would make them take damage. You can also search up for a video on how to do this.

Magma Carpet Trap

This trap will probably involve a trip to the Nether. After gathering a fair amount of magma blocks, make a room. Use the magma blocks you have gathered to make the floor of the room, and cover ALL the magma blocks with carpets. When the target walks on to the carpet, they will take damage from the hidden magma blocks, often wondering and unable to figure out where the damage is coming from. If they don't figure out the trap soon enough, they will eventually die or lose a lot of health from fire damage.

One alternative is to make the entrance to the Magma Room two iron doors with pressure plates on the outside but not on the inside, potentially trapping the target inside to burn.

This trap could also be a potential mob farm. When the mob is killed by the fire damage, you can enter the room, most likely by a secret entrance, and by sneaking or wearing Frost Walker boots, claim the mob loot and go back out without taking any damage at all.

Note: This trap will not work on all types of Nether mobs, as they are immune to all kinds of fire damage.

Note: This only works pre 1.16.

Anvil trap

  1. Place two iron doors sideways with redstone torches under them so they stay shut.
  2. Set up two pressure plates in front of the doors. The plates shouldn't do anything yet.
  3. Run redstone dust from underneath the plates onto the roof of your porch to trigger two pistons.
  4. Put an anvil on each extended piston arm, and make sure there is a hole through the porch roof down to the entrance where the target stands.

When the target stands on the pressure plates, the doors won't open and while they are confused the anvils will fall on them. They will either be killed or if the anvils don't fall from high enough they get injured. This trap is useful to stop thieves from stealing valuable goods, and exploits the fact that people don't look up.

Command mine

Command mine.

Sick of rebuilding land mines that don't even kill the target? Replace the TNT with a command block with the command '/kill @e[distance=..3]' and the command block will instantly kill any entity that touches the trigger! If you use a repeating command block instead of an impulse command block and set "needs redstone" to "always active", you don't need a pressure plate. This trap may be of use only in Creative mode, though.

Arrow trap

A simple arrow dispenser

By connecting this to a trigger, you can rapidly fire arrows at the target. It is recommended to place this trap in a 1-wide 2 tall tunnel so there is less room to run. You can either place this in the side of the tunnel or shooting down the tunnel. Some variations:

  • Place lava in front of the dispenser to catch the target on fire.
  • You can adjust the repeater, which will change the speed. You can also completely change the clock if you don't have quartz.
  • You could use this to knock the target into a pit.
  • Attach this to a RS-Latch to keep it on until a button is pressed.
  • Use tipped arrows with negative effects to make the trap more dangerous.

Murder holes [要検証]

  1. Dig a 2-wide trench down 1 block deep on one side, 3 or more on the other.
  2. Place signs on the deeper side at the same height as the shallow side.

Wandering mobs will not be afraid to try and walk on the signs. If they do, they will get trapped. This will not always work, so it is advised to make the deeper part wider.

Spider trap

  1. Find a cave spider spawner, or enable cheats and use /give to give yourself one. It is recommended to place a torch to keep it from spawning.
  2. Dig a pit under it. It should be at least 5 blocks deep.
  3. Place cobweb or something for the spiders to spawn on.
  4. Break the torch and allow the pit to fill with spiders. You need to be within 15 blocks for this to work.
  5. Get a player to go into the pit.

Wither rose field

Surround your base with a field of wither roses or sweet berry bushes, and leave a block-wide path leading to your base, or make a hidden underground tunnel leading to it. Any hostile mob that walks through the field will take lots of damage, but unless you make the field very large, this trap won't be fatal. This trap works only on mobs and not on players, because players can disarm it quickly with just a water bucket. For added effect, place cobwebs on top of the plants, and if you are using wither roses, plant them on soul sand. This way, the mobs have to spend more time inside the trap, making it more fatal.

Fake Base

1. Build a really high staircase up into the sky. The longer you build, the higher it is, the better.

2. Make a hole into the staircase

3. You can even make yourself look like a noob, which will also give you an advantage. When someone notices and walks up, due to the player's view, they will fall through the hole you create, resulting in the target falling to the ground. This trap can even be effective with experienced players, if they don't look carefully.

Fake Base 2

1. Build a water elevator ( using soul sand and water )

2. At the top of the elevator, start building a fake base. Do not use any valuable material because unlike last trap, it will be destroyed completely (unless you want to).

3. In the fake base, connect two tripwire hooks together with string right in the top of the elevator. Using redstone dust to lead around the base from the tripwire, then filling it with TNT.

4. If someone notice a base with a water elevator, they will sometimes attempt trying to go up. After they discovered the TNT behind those walls, they are likely to be gone.

Big Spiky Balls(!)

1: Make a somewhat small, square-ish room with a one way door and 2 block thick walls

2: Make 1x1x1 holes in the walls

3: Add trapdoors on each hole. Make sure that when closed they're on the upper half of a block, not on the bottom

4: Connect the one way door to a redstone signal inverter that is triggered when walked through

5: Then connect the signal inverter to the trapdoors, just make sure it allows for enough room for step 6*

6: Fill each hole with a pufferfish.

7: Make it look attractive to go into!

8: It's done!

When in action, the player will be trapped and the pufferfish will inflate and bounce around the room. (Fun fact: Fish out of water bounce. A lot.)

*You could probably use some hoppers attached to dispensers and fill the hoppers with buckets of pufferfish. Then, invert power to the dispenser. This makes it a renewable trap!

It Came From the Sky!!!

  1. Make an observer clock (Face 2 observers at each other, which will produce a blinking redstone signal)
  2. Place a redstone comparator going out of the observer clock and use it to change it to subtract mode (the redstone torch on the end is ON) (this is for your on/off switch!)
  3. Add a trigger somewhere that goes into a signal inverter and into the SIDE of the comparator, make sure the signal that the comparator receives is equal to the observer's signal (signal strength of 15, like a redstone torch)
  4. Now back to the trap, send the comparator's output into a repeater and then a dispenser
  5. NOW COVER IT ALL UP WITH SLABS!!! If you've done it right, your trap should be nearly flush with the ground (1.5 blocks tall from the ground) and only show the dispenser
  6. Now fill up the dispenser with arrows. Eggs, snowballs, bottles of enchanting, and potions fly straight up. Arrows and fire charges are offset from the center, but fire charges don't come back down. If you want to destroy something flammable in the sky, FIRE CHARGES
    • (optional) Add a storage block with a hopper going into the dispenser. If the dispenser is empty and getting refilled while the trap is active, it won't shoot as much (Constant fire while containing arrows, shoots twice and "misses" once (It's empty, so it makes the annoying TICK sound) while being refilled)
  7. Now maybe disguise it?
  8. If you've done this right, it'll start raining arrows when someone activates the trigger. I recommend a flip flop before it activates, and a one time trigger, that way it starts constantly shooting arrows after being triggered.
  9. As a last minute extra bit, if you can squeeze one in and a skeleton spawner's nearby, why not make the spawner an automatic farm and use an item elevator to bring arrows up to it? Just visit every now and then to refill it because of 1.16 mob despawning.


The traps here are most notable for their trigger and can be connected to many different mechanisms of harm.

Trapped Ore

Trapped ore. Replace the cobblestone with ore.

When someone mines the ore the TNT will explode! Be sure to place the torches before the TNT and to not place any TNT next to a lit torch.

Trapped Ore 2

Use a piston to push a TNT next to a redstone torch when a block is mined. The advantage of this method is that the trapped block does not need have wires right next to it and that it can cover a wider area.

Redstone Mine

The redstone mine. Replace the glowstone with redstone ore.

Instead of a daylight sensor, you can also use an observer. This trap is good because it is very hard to detect. If you build this above ground, it may seem somewhat out of place, so you should cover the redstone ore with carpet or build it underground. When the target walks on the redstone, it will light up triggering the TNT. A similar trap is achieved by putting a valuable block that the player may want to mine in place of the redstone ore. When the player breaks the block, the daylight sensor, provided there's a light source or clear air above it, will activate.

Furnace Trap

The furnace trap

Normally people would expect only chests to explode, so this trigger will surprise them as soon as they loot your furnace. You can replace the furnace with any other container for the same effect.

  1. Fill a furnace with coal, iron or food.
  2. Put a comparator leading away from the furnace. It should turn on.
  3. Place a block in front of the comparator.
  4. Place a redstone torch on the block, it should turn off.
  5. Create a redstone line from the torch to TNT.

If a griefer loots the furnace the comparator will deactivate and the torch will turn on, blowing the victim to bits!

Minecart Mine

A basic minecart trap

When the target rides the minecart, they will trigger the TNT and get blown up. It might help to disguise the detector as doing something else, like switching tracks, opening a door, etc.

Wrong Lever

Place several levers on a wall and put TNT behind it. Place a sign saying something along the lines of, "Which one...," "Don't pull these!," or "Passcode entry." Eventually a player with too much curiosity will come along and pull a lever.

Exploding Bed

Connect a bed next to a BUD, the BUD to some TNT, and cover the whole thing in cobblestone. Then just wait for the player to sleep in it and get blasted sky-high.

Invisible Tripwire [要検証]

You will probably want to put the hooks the other way as they can be seen.

This trap relies on the fact that like end portal, string is invisible from the bottom. Make a room or hallway at least 3 blocks high, and put tripwire in a layer on the third layer up. If the victim jumps, they will trigger the trap. However, if the victim sees the tripwire hooks they will probably mine the block so they don't have to jump.

Chest Bomb

A chest bomb.
  1. Place a chest.
  2. Place a hopper underneath the chest.
  3. Place a comparator pointing away from the hopper.
  4. Place TNT in front of the comparator.

If someone puts something inside the chest, it will go into the hopper, turn on the comparator, and activate the TNT. You could attach the comparator directly to the chest, but it would be more obvious as you can see over chests. Trapped chests are also an option but they can be seen by experienced players. Also, they can be seen more easily with resource packs.

Fishing Trap

It is possible to detonate TNT with a pressure plate and a fishing rod. This method is mostly undetectable; however, it is unstable and prone to premature detonation if you don't have patience.

Proximity Detector

A proximity trap is a player detector paired with an output.


These traps' primary feature is the way they lure the target into the trap. Note that none of these lures work on mobs.

Dropped Loot

You could drop items such as gold or diamonds near your trap to increase chances that someone will walk into it. This works best if you know someone is coming by. Some tips:

  • It might look too obvious with diamonds, so it could be better to use items like iron bars. You could also try to make it look like someone just died.
  • If you want to get elaborate, you could setup a dropper to periodically dispense an item. It would probably be possible to detect if the item was picked up, perhaps using a weighted pressure plate.


Signs are very useful for luring new, and sometimes even experienced, players into a trap. Here are some messages which can be good to lure players into traps.

  • "Free Diamonds!" This could be good on a trapped chest, but would only work on newbies.
  • "DO NOT ENTER!" Most players would be tempted to do exactly the opposite, even into a possible trap.
  • "DO NOT PRESS!" If you see a button, you really want to press it. Especially if there is a sign saying not to.
  • "FREE ADMIN!" Like the "free diamonds" example above, this probably works on newbies only.


Chests, especially when paired with signs, can make a good lure. If you place one inconspicuously in a wooden house, what self respecting griefer would not go and investigate?

Ore Blocks

Ore blocks make an irresistible lure. After all, if you saw a diamond block just sitting there on the ground, would you just leave it there? This lure is good when paired with a BUD trigger.

Fake Mineshaft

Abandoned mineshafts are known for lots of loot. If you trap one, you can pretend to have 'accidentally given away directions' to the mineshaft.

Iron Door

An iron door looks somewhat out of place in a dark cave. If a player sees one, they may be tempted to go inside. Unfortunately for them, there may only be a pressure plate on one side of the door, or a landmine hidden under the plate.

Disarming traps

When faced with a trap, the safest course of action is usually to leave the way you came. If the player really wants to disarm it though, here are some tips:

  • Don't try to trip the trap and run away. Unless you have a really safe way of doing this, the trap is probably designed to prevent you from doing this.
  • Watch out for observers. These can be placed inside walls and under pressure plates as a fail safe.
  • Don't assume it is safe to break redstone. It is usually safer to keep redstone in its current state. If it is off, it might be okay to break it. If it is on, it might be okay to place a redstone torch to keep it on. In very elaborate traps the redstone may blink to check if it is broken, so watch out!
  • TNT in water generally doesn't do much damage. If you have a water bucket, it may be helpful to use it if you think everything is about to blow up.
  • Try to always check for traps. If you see a pressure plate next to an iron door, check for observers below the plate, and break the door and plate, and go in. Another problem is underground traps. For ore traps, check for observers again, break them, and then mine the ore.

See also

  • Tutorials/Player versus Player
  1. Chris Priestmanによる「How to Create Traps!」 Minecraft.net、2019年10月4日