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82行目: 82行目:
* Entities will always get at least 1 point of damage if they are within the radius, regardless of their explosion exposure.
* Entities will always get at least 1 point of damage if they are within the radius, regardless of their explosion exposure.
* The ''maximum damage'' that entities can take (at the explosion center with 100% exposure)&nbsp;= (1&nbsp;× 1&nbsp;+ 1)&nbsp;× 8&nbsp;× <var>power</var>&nbsp;+ 1 point of damage&nbsp;= 97 (帯電クリーパー), 65 (TNT), 49 (クリーパー), 17 (ファイヤーボール). When entities are away or covered by blocks from the explosion center, they take less damage.
* The ''maximum damage'' that entities can take (at the explosion center with 100% exposure)&nbsp;= (1&nbsp;× 1&nbsp;+ 1)&nbsp;× 8&nbsp;× <var>power</var>&nbsp;+ 1 point of damage&nbsp;= 97 (帯電クリーパー), 65 (TNT), 49 (クリーパー), 17 (火の玉). When entities are away or covered by blocks from the explosion center, they take less damage.
* The ''maximum velocity gain'' that an entity can obtain from a TNT explosion is 1, at the explosion center with 100% exposure.
* The ''maximum velocity gain'' that an entity can obtain from a TNT explosion is 1, at the explosion center with 100% exposure.

2016年10月23日 (日) 12:01時点における版

Book and Quill



爆発が近くで複数起こると、より物体を推進させるかもしれないが、ブロックの破壊には累積効果はない。爆発によるブロックへのダメージは、(一回の爆発ごとに)個別に"評価され"(evaluated)、"爆発への抵抗"(blocks' blast)は、爆発ごとに「弱体化」されないからだ。



爆発の種類 爆発力 概要
ウィザー (召喚時) 7
エンダークリスタル (破壊時) 6 炎を引き起こす可能性がある
帯電クリーパー 6
ベッド (ネザーまたはジ・エンドで使用した場合) 5 炎を引き起こす
クリーパー 3
ガスト 火の玉 1 炎を引き起こす
ブラックウィザースカル 1
ブルーウィザースカル 1 すべてのブロック (岩盤とエンドポータルフレームを除く) を爆発耐性4として計算する




1352 rays from the explosion center to points that uniformly distributed on the surface of a cube centered at the explosion with an edge length of 2. (However, this only defines their directions, not their length)

Explosion outline

The roughly spherical pattern of blocks destroyed can be seen here.

An explosion can destroy nearby blocks. Its blast effect is evaluated independently on many explosion rays originating from the explosion center, as shown in the right figure.


An explosion must be very powerful (power ~1542860) to destroy a bedrock block

  1. 爆発の周囲の立方体は16x16x16のグリッドに分けられ、中心からこのグリッドの各外側の点まで線が発生する
  2. 各線は、強度を与えられるように計算される(0.7 + [0から0.6の乱数値]) * [power]
  3. For every 0.3 blocks along the ray, the intensity of the ray decays/is attenuated by 0.3×0.75 (0.225), and the block it passes through absorbs/reduces it by ([blast resistance/5]+0.3)×0.3
  4. The ray destroys all blocks that could not end the ray at any checkpoint


  • The blast radius in the air of an explosion (i.e. only attenuated, not absorbed by blocks) = ⌊1.3 × power/(step length × 0.75)⌋ × step length (.3) == 10.2 (charged creepers), 6.9 (TNT), 5.1 (creepers), 1.5 (fireballs). For example, a TNT explosion can destroy a torch 7 blocks away. But how many blocks an explosion can destroy is non-deterministic and also dependent on the specific location of the explosion.
  • The minimum block resistance required to absorb maximum blast force of an explosion happening in nearby air = ((1.3 × power − attenuation steps × step length × 0.75)/step length − 0.3) × 5. To not be destroyed, a block has to absorb all blast force at the first checkpoint in it.
    • The attenuation steps is subject to collision restrictions. For explosion in air, there is at least one attenuation step. TNT and creeper explosion are always 0.49 and 0.5 meter away from nearest block (2 att. steps), but fireball explosion can happen anywhere (1 att. step).
    • Thus, the block resistances are 121.00 (charged creepers), 77.67 (TNT), 56.00 (creepers), 16.42 (fireballs).
    • So water, lava (Note: Only the stationary block) obsidian, and bedrock are always indestructible, and fences and less blast-resistant blocks can be destroyed by fireballs. These are theoretical values, and in reality less resistant blocks are not always destroyed, and since Minecraft is supposed to be simple, there is no such mechanic.


An explosion has different effects on entities than blocks. Entities are damaged and propelled by an explosion if within its damage radius of 2 × power. Note that the "damage radius" is different from the blast radius of explosion effect on blocks.

  1. For every entity within a 2×[power] block sphere of the explosion center, the impact is (1-[distance from explosion/power/2])×[exposure] (see section below on exposure)
  2. The entity is damaged by (impact×impact+impact)×8×power+1 (armor enchantments for damage are handled separately)
  3. After damage, exposure is reduced by (exposure×[max blast protection from all armor]×0.15)
  4. The entity's eyes are propelled along the ray from the explosion center by the new exposure

From the above process, the following results can be deduced:

  • Entities will always get at least 1 point of damage if they are within the radius, regardless of their explosion exposure.
  • The maximum damage that entities can take (at the explosion center with 100% exposure) = (1 × 1 + 1) × 8 × power + 1 point of damage = 97 (帯電クリーパー), 65 (TNT), 49 (クリーパー), 17 (火の玉). When entities are away or covered by blocks from the explosion center, they take less damage.
  • The maximum velocity gain that an entity can obtain from a TNT explosion is 1, at the explosion center with 100% exposure.

A primed TNT AABB has directionally asymmetrical sample points (1/2.96 spacing) because of rounding.

Calculation of explosion exposure

  1. The entity's bounding box is divided into a [2*width+1] by [2*height+1] by [2*depth+1] grid of unequally spaced points
  2. A ray is drawn from the explosion center to each point
  3. The exposure of the entity is the percentage of these rays that are unobstructed

The approximation algorithm has sampling error that results in directional asymmetry of propulsion. For example, a typical TNT Cannon has maximum range in the west direction partly because the primed TNT has largest sampled exposure in that direction.

Causing fire

If the explosion has the ability, it randomly starts fires in ⅓ of all destroyed air blocks that are above opaque blocks.

Permanent lag

Permanent lag is essentially lag-fallout from an explosion, this consists of drops, liquid-physics, and increased render-complexity of the crater. Technically the drops will disappear after 5 minutes, however that's 5 in-game minutes which may take a long time to process during extreme lag.

It is recommended that when making a large creative-mode explosion, one uses the command "/gamerule doTileDrops false" to stop drops from being generated by explosions. If you are using 1.8 or higher the code "/kill @e[type=Item]" will destroy all drops, however in 1.7 or earlier the same code will just kill the player.


[edit values]

名前 耐久力
バリアブロック ?
岩盤 ?
ストラクチャーブロック ?
コマンドブロック ?
エンドゲートウェイ ?
エンドポータル ?
エンドポータルフレーム ?
金床 ?
エンチャントテーブル ?
黒曜石 ?
エンダーチェスト ?
水流 ?
溶岩 ?
ドラゴンの卵 ?
エンドストーン ?
石炭ブロック ?
ダイヤモンドブロック ?
エメラルドブロック ?
金ブロック ?
鉄ブロック ?
レッドストーンブロック ?
レンガ ?
レンガの階段 ?
Hardened Clay 4.2
安山岩 6
丸石 6
丸石の階段 6
丸石の塀 ?
閃緑岩 6
花崗岩 6
鉄格子 6
ジュークボックス 6
苔むした丸石 ?
ネザーレンガ ?
ネザーレンガのフェンス 6
ネザーレンガの階段 6
プリズマリン 6
プルプァブロック 6
プルプァの柱 6
プルプァのハーフブロック 6
プルプァの階段 6
赤いネザーレンガ ?
Stone Brick ?
石レンガの階段 6
石のハーフブロック 6
鉄のドア 5
鉄のトラップドア 5
モンスタースポナー 5
クモの巣 4
ディスペンサー 3.5
ドロッパー 3.5
かまど 3.5
ビーコン 3
石炭鉱石 3
カカオの実 ?
ダイヤモンド鉱石 3
エメラルド鉱石 3
Block name Blast resistance
フェンス ?
フェンスゲート 3
金鉱石 3
ホッパー 4.8
鉄鉱石 3
ラピスラズリブロック ?
ラピスラズリ鉱石 3
ネザークォーツ鉱石 3
レッドストーン鉱石 3
トラップドア ?
板材 ?
木のドア 3
板材のハーフブロック ?
木の階段 ?
チェスト 2.5
作業台 2.5
トラップチェスト 2.5
大釜 2
本棚 1.5
ジャック・オ・ランタン 1
スイカ 1
Mobの頭 1
ネザーウォートブロック 1
カボチャ 1
看板 1
エンドストーンレンガ 9
クォーツブロック 0.8
クォーツの階段 0.8
音符ブロック 0.8
赤い砂岩 0.8
赤い砂岩の階段 0.8
砂岩 0.8
砂岩の階段 0.8
羊毛 0.8
虫食い石 ?
アクティベーターレール 0.7
ディテクターレール 0.7
パワードレール 0.7
レール 0.7
草の道 ?
粘土 0.6
耕地 0.6
草ブロック 0.6
砂利 0.6
スポンジ 0.6
濡れたスポンジ 0.6
醸造台 0.5
ボタン 0.5
ケーキ 0.5
粗い土 0.5
薄氷 0.5
干草の俵 0.5
氷塊 0.5
レバー 0.5
マグマブロック 0.5
Block name Blast resistance
菌糸 0.6
ピストン 0.5
Piston Extension ?
ピストンヘッド 0.5
感圧板 0.5
ソウルサンド 0.5
粘着ピストン 0.5
重量感圧板 ?
サボテン 0.4
コーラスフラワー 0.4
コーラスプラント 0.4
はしご 0.4
ネザーラック 0.4
ガラス 0.3
ガラス板 0.3
グロウストーン 0.3
レッドストーンランプ 0.3
シーランタン 0.3
色付きガラス 0.3
色付きガラス板 0.3
ベッド 0.2
日照センサー ?
Huge Mushrooms ?
ツタ 0.2
カーペット 0.1
Snow (layer) ?
空気 0
ニンジン 0
枯れ木 0
エンドロッド 0
植木鉢 0
溶岩流 ?
スイレンの葉 0
鍵のかかったチェスト 0
スイカの茎 0
キノコ 0
ネザーポータル 0
ネザーウォート 0
ジャガイモ 0
カボチャの茎 0
レッドストーンコンパレーター 0
レッドストーンリピーター 0
レッドストーントーチ 0
レッドストーン 0
苗木 0
スライムブロック 0
ストラクチャーヴォイド 0
サトウキビ 0
松明 0
トリップワイヤー ?
トリップワイヤーフック 0
小麦 0


The player will receive damage, if within these radii of a 100% exposure ground 1-, 2-, or 4-TNT explosion, with the amount of damage labeled on each circle in the figures below.

KillRadiiGrenade1 KillRadiiGrenade2 KillRadiiGrenade4


0.24Creepers were first introduced in on August 24, 2009, based on a failed pig model Notch had created.
0.26 SURVIVAL TEST 9TNT was added.
Java Edition Indev
January 22, 2010Explosions are now "better".
January 25, 2010Explosions now lose power when going through stronger materials.
Java Edition Alpha
1.2Added Ghasts, which shoot explosive ghast fireballs.
Java Edition Beta
1.5Creepers become charged when struck by lightning, increasing the explosion's radius and strength.
1.6Trying to sleep in the Nether causes the bed to explode.
1.8Explosions will now emit shockwave particles after exploding. Prior to Beta 1.8, explosions only emitted smoke.
Sound UpdateThe 'Sound Update' of November 13th 2011 gave TNT a new explosion sound.
Java Edition
1.0.0Beta 1.9-pre3Bed and ghast explosions cause fire.
Beta 1.9-pre4Trying to sleep in the End causes the bed to explode.
Enchantment "Blast Protection" added, protecting against explosions.
Beta 1.9-pre6Ender Crystal added, an entity which sits atop of a block of bedrock. It can be destroyed with a melee or hit with an arrow or snowball, causing an explosion.
1.3.112w24aFixed explosions not pushing back players.
1.3.1Explosions damage the player different amounts on different difficulties, and no damage is dealt to the player on peaceful.
1.4.212w34aAdded the Wither, which shoots black wither skulls.
12w37aWither will make a massive explosion upon its creation after its health is fully charged.
Blue wither skulls added.
12w38bNew Creeper fall mechanics; Creepers will explode if they fall on the player from a certain height.
1.5Destroyed blocks have a 1/power chance of dropping as items; previously it was a fixed 30% chance.


  • Explosions with a power greater than 100 look mostly the same from the outside, as only certain lines are used to determine if a block breaks. However, some of those lines continue underground.
  • An explosion powerful enough to break bedrock would have a blast radius of over 30,000,000 blocks. If it were an uninterrupted blast, it would cover 238,775,501.2 blocks. However, explosions only follow certain lines, not every block (see previous).
  • Explosions going off in flowing water or lava will apply propulsion to entities, but won't affect any blocks, regardless of the blocks' blast resistance.
  • Underwater explosions won't emit smoke particles.
  • Explosions can redirect projectiles, including Ender Pearls.
  • Explosions can break blocks on the other side of surviving blast-resistant blocks.
  • Explosions will propel dead mobs' bodies if they go off just after the mob dies.
  • If primed TNT explodes in a large, solid cube of stone blocks, it will create an exact 3x3x3 cube inside.
    • Experimentation confirms that a TNT detonation will cause a 3x3 hole in a solid block of anything with a blast resistance less than that of water, but more than 12.5 (e.g. crafting tables). This implies that 3x3 is the minimum possible result of a TNT detonation without the blast being resisted altogether.
  • If a Falling Sand entity falls into Primed TNT when in water, it will do block damage.
  • In Minecraft Pocket Edition, if you break 2 blocks in the center of a 3x3 square, and place TNT in the middle, it will almost always make a 3x3x3 hole, granted that no dirt, gravel, or bedrock is around.
