Minecraft Wiki
Plains Zombie Villager BaseDesert Zombie Villager BaseJungle Zombie Villager BaseSavanna Zombie Villager BaseSnowy Zombie Villager BaseSwamp Zombie Villager BaseTaiga Zombie Villager Base
Plains Baby Zombie VillagerDesert Baby Zombie VillagerJungle Baby Zombie VillagerSavanna Baby Zombie VillagerSnowy Baby Zombie VillagerSwamp Baby Zombie VillagerTaiga Baby Zombie Villager

20♥ × 10


2 (Armor)




イージー: 2♥ - 3♥♥
ノーマル: 3♥♥
ハード: 4♥♥ - 5♥♥♥


高さ: 1.95ブロック
幅: 0.6ブロック
高さ: 0.975ブロック
幅: 0.3ブロック




JE: 27
zombie_villager : 44
zombie_villager_v2 : 116



この記事では、村人ゾンビについて説明しています。その他の亜種については「ゾンビ (曖昧さ回避)」をご覧ください。
Book and Quill



村人ゾンビ(英:Zombie villager)は、ゾンビの亜種である。弱化のポーション金のリンゴを使う事で村人に戻すことが出来る。


Zombie Villager with Encharted Wep



Bedrock Editionでは、ゾンビに倒された時に加え、イグルーの地下にも固定でスポーンする。無職の平原の村人ゾンビはバイオームに関係なくスポーンする。


難易度 確率
イージー 0%
ノーマル 50%
ハード及びハードコア 100%






  • 通常のゾンビの30%高速で移動できる上、通常のゾンビと同等の体力を保持している。これにより子供村人ゾンビは、他の大人ゾンビと比べて大きな脅威となりうる。
  • 子供村人ゾンビの音声は、大人村人ゾンビの声と比べて高い。
  • 稀にニワトリに乗るBedrock Editionでは、以下のMobにも乗ることができる。
  • 子供村人ゾンビは、治療されると子供村人になる。
  • 装備した防具は体軀に合わせて縮小される。
  • 1×1の範囲に収まることが出来る。
  • プレイヤーに倒されると経験値が5から12になる。
  • 他のMobの子供とは異なり、決して大人の村人ゾンビには成長しない。
  • 当たり判定が小さくなっている。




  • 触れたアイテムが防具または剣であり、現在の装備アイテムがそうでない場合(例えばツルハシよりも剣を、カボチャよりもヘルメット)を優先する。
  • 現在の装備アイテムが防具もしくは剣であり、触れたアイテムの方が性能が高い場合(よりダメージ軽減量が高い防具、より攻撃力の高い剣)を優先する。
  • 両方のアイテムが同じダメージ減少のある鎧/剣での場合、新しいアイテムはNBTタグを持っていますが、古いアイテムはそうではないであるとか、新しいアイテムの方が古いアイテムより多い耐久値を持っている方を優先する。
  • 装備中のアイテム、触れたアイテムが共に弓の場合、NBTタグを持つ方を優先する。


村人ゾンビが身に着けている防具は、ダメージによって耐久値が減ることはなく、プレイヤーのように防具を「消耗」しない。但し、日光に晒されたり、金床などの落下中のブロックが落下した場合、装備中のヘルメットのみが消耗して最終的に壊れる。これはカボチャのようなブロックは含まれない。また、村人ゾンビの防御力は2 (Armor)であるため、ほとんどのダメージに1.6%~4%のダメージ軽減が得られる。


イージー ノーマル ハード
拾い上げ 0% 0%-55%[注釈 1] 6.875%-55%[注釈 1]
防具 0% 0%-15%[注釈 1] 1.875%-15%[注釈 1]
エンチャント付き防具[注釈 2] 0% 0-50%[注釈 1] 6.25%-50%[注釈 1]
武器[注釈 3] 1% 1% 5%
エンチャント付き武器[注釈 2] 0% 0%-25%[注釈 1] 3.125%-25%[注釈 1]
  1. a b c d e f g h i 値は地域難易度に基づく。
  2. a b エンチャント内容は、エンチャントテーブルのレベルで5~22に相当する[注釈 1]
  3. 鉄の剣である確率が13であり、鉄のシャベルである確率が23である。


部位 イージー、ノーマル ハード
ヘルメット 100% 100%
ヘルメット+チェストプレート 75% 90%
ヘルメット+チェストプレート+レギンス 56.25% 81%
フルセット 42.19% 72.9%
素材 確率
チェーン 12.9%
ダイヤ 0.04%





砂漠 ジャングル 草原 サバンナ 降雪地帯 湿地帯 タイガ
Desert Zombie Villager Base Jungle Zombie Villager Base Plains Zombie Villager Base Savanna Zombie Villager Base Snowy Zombie Villager Base Swamp Zombie Villager Base Taiga Zombie Villager Base 求職者 N/A
Desert Zombie Armorer Jungle Zombie Armorer Plains Zombie Armorer Savanna Zombie Armorer Snowy Zombie Armorer Swamp Zombie Armorer Taiga Zombie Armorer 防具鍛冶 溶鉱炉
Desert Zombie Butcher Jungle Zombie Butcher Plains Zombie Butcher Savanna Zombie Butcher Snowy Zombie Butcher Swamp Zombie Butcher Taiga Zombie Butcher 肉屋 燻製器
Desert Zombie Cartographer Jungle Zombie Cartographer Plains Zombie Cartographer Savanna Zombie Cartographer Snowy Zombie Cartographer Swamp Zombie Cartographer Taiga Zombie Cartographer 製図家 製図台
Desert Zombie Cleric Jungle Zombie Cleric Plains Zombie Cleric Savanna Zombie Cleric Snowy Zombie Cleric Swamp Zombie Cleric Taiga Zombie Cleric 聖職者 醸造台
Desert Zombie Farmer Jungle Zombie Farmer Plains Zombie Farmer Savanna Zombie Farmer Snowy Zombie Farmer Swamp Zombie Farmer Taiga Zombie Farmer 農民 コンポスター
Desert Zombie Fisherman Jungle Zombie Fisherman Plains Zombie Fisherman Savanna Zombie Fisherman Snowy Zombie Fisherman Swamp Zombie Fisherman Taiga Zombie Fisherman 釣り人
Desert Zombie Fletcher Jungle Zombie Fletcher Plains Zombie Fletcher Savanna Zombie Fletcher Snowy Zombie Fletcher Swamp Zombie Fletcher Taiga Zombie Fletcher 矢師 矢細工台
Desert Zombie Leatherworker Jungle Zombie Leatherworker Plains Zombie Leatherworker Savanna Zombie Leatherworker Snowy Zombie Leatherworker Swamp Zombie Leatherworker Taiga Zombie Leatherworker 革細工師 大釜
Desert Zombie Librarian Jungle Zombie Librarian Plains Zombie Librarian Savanna Zombie Librarian Snowy Zombie Librarian Swamp Zombie Librarian Taiga Zombie Librarian 司書 書見台
Desert Zombie Mason Jungle Zombie Mason Plains Zombie Mason Savanna Zombie Mason Snowy Zombie Mason Swamp Zombie Mason Taiga Zombie Mason 石工 石切台
Desert Zombie Nitwit Jungle Zombie Nitwit Plains Zombie Nitwit Savanna Zombie Nitwit Snowy Zombie Nitwit Swamp Zombie Nitwit Taiga Zombie Nitwit 無職 N/A
Desert Zombie Shepherd Jungle Zombie Shepherd Plains Zombie Shepherd Savanna Zombie Shepherd Snowy Zombie Shepherd Swamp Zombie Shepherd Taiga Zombie Shepherd 羊飼い 機織り機
Desert Zombie Toolsmith Jungle Zombie Toolsmith Plains Zombie Toolsmith Savanna Zombie Toolsmith Snowy Zombie Toolsmith Swamp Zombie Toolsmith Taiga Zombie Toolsmith 道具鍛冶 鍛冶台
Desert Zombie Weaponsmith Jungle Zombie Weaponsmith Plains Zombie Weaponsmith Savanna Zombie Weaponsmith Snowy Zombie Weaponsmith Swamp Zombie Weaponsmith Taiga Zombie Weaponsmith 武器鍛冶 砥石




  • 1120 (0.83%)
  • 7600 (1.17%) +ドロップ増加I
  • 9600 (1.50%) +ドロップ増加II
  • 11600 (1.83%) +ドロップ増加III



  1. a b ハロウィンの間にのみスポーンする。




If a zombie villager wearing a carved pumpkin or jack o'lantern[Java Edition限定] is killed using a weapon that is enchanted with Looting, there is a chance equivalent to the level of Looting used to drop the pumpkin or jack o'lantern, up to a maximum of a 3% chance of a drop.








成功したならば大きな焼けるようなが聞こえ、村人ゾンビの周りに赤いパーティクルが表示される。それが治療開始の合図である。治療時間は2–5分程で、治療中もゾンビの振る舞いをする(日光で燃える、敵対的であるなど)。村人ゾンビ中心に9×9×9の立方体内に鉄格子またはベッドを置くことで、治療を約4%加速できる[1]。Conversion time is determined by picking a random integer between 3600 and 6000, decreasing by 1 on each game tick. On every tick there's a 1% chance for the game to look for iron bars and/or beds, within a 9x9x9 cube centered on the villager, and each one found has a 30% chance to decrease the conversion time by 1 more for that tick. When the conversion time reaches 0, the zombie villager transforms into a villager; Java Editionでは, the villager will be unemployed unless it was a nitwit, in which case it will remain a nitwit; while Bedrock Editionでは, the villager keeps whatever profession it had while it was a zombie and cannot be reassigned.


The newly-cured villager offers a large discount on their trades to the player who cured them, along with any other villagers in the area. The discounts from curing a zombie villager persist permanently Java Editionでは, or depending on whether the player trades with the cured villager Bedrock Editionでは, 4 in-game days or longer.[情報提供依頼][2] It is also possible for cured villagers to become nitwits, meaning that they cannot offer discounted trades. Java Editionでは, this spreads major_positive gossip part of the villager gossip system.



サウンド 字幕 名前空間ID 字幕ID ソース ピッチ 音量 減衰距離
村人ゾンビがうめく entity.zombie_villager.ambient subtitles.entity.zombie_villager.ambient ? ? ? 16
ゾンビがわめく entity.zombie_villager.converted subtitles.entity.zombie_villager.converted ? ? ? 16
ゾンビが村人に戻る entity.zombie_villager.cure subtitles.entity.zombie_villager.cure ? ? ? 16
村人ゾンビが死ぬ entity.zombie_villager.death subtitles.entity.zombie_villager.death ? ? ? 16
村人ゾンビがダメージを受ける entity.zombie_villager.hurt subtitles.entity.zombie_villager.hurt ? ? ? 16
足音 entity.zombie_villager.step subtitles.block.generic.footsteps ? ? ? 16



Java Edition:

エンティティ 名前空間ID
村人ゾンビ zombie_villager

Bedrock Edition:

エンティティ 名前空間ID 数値ID
村人ゾンビ zombie_villager 44
村人ゾンビ(新) zombie_villager_v2 116



  • エンティティデータ
    • すべてのMobに共通するタグ
    •  IsBaby: 1 (true) または 0 (false) – 子供ゾンビかどうか
    •  CanBreakDoors: 1 (true) または 0 (false) – ドアを破壊できるかどうか(デフォルトは 0)
    •  DrownedConversionTime: ゾンビがドラウンド、またはハスクがゾンビへ変化するまでのティック数(変化が起こっていない場合のデフォルトは -1)
    •  InWaterTime: ゾンビ、またはハスクが水中に居たティック数(変化が起こっていない場合のデフォルトは -1)
    •  VillagerData: 村人の種類、職業、及びレベルに関する情報。
      •  level: 村人の取引のレベルで、取引とバッジの色に影響を与える。レベルが最大であった場合、新しい取引内容は生成されない。これは取引により内容が更新されると増加する。
      •  profession: 村人の職業を示す名前空間ID
      •  type: 村人の種類を示す名前空間ID
    •  Gossips: プレイヤーの人気度
      • 人気度の情報を格納するタグ
        •  Type: 人気度の種類のID。major_negativeminor_negativemajor_positiveminor_positivetradinggolem の六つで示される。
        •  Value: 人気度の値
        •  TargetMost 対象プレイヤーのUUIDの上位側
        •  TargetLeast 対象プレイヤーのUUIDの下位側
    •  Offers: 取引に関する情報。取引画面を初めて開いたとき生成される。
      •  Recipes: 取引の一覧
        • 取引の内容を格納するタグ
          •  rewardExp: 1又は0 (true/false) 。取引の際に経験値をドロップするかどうか。
          •  maxUses: この取引の最大可能回数。通常、2-12の範囲でランダムに生成される。
          •  uses: この取引が行われた回数。maxUsesの値を超えると一度無効となる。
          •  buy: 取引に必要になるアイテム
            • すべてのアイテムに共通するタグ
          •  buyB: 取引に必要になる二番目のアイテム
            • すべてのアイテムに共通するタグ
          •  sell: 取引で提供されるアイテム
            • すべてのアイテムに共通するタグ
          •  xp: 村人がこの取引で得た経験値。
          •  priceMultiplier:価格調整機能  demand の乗数。最終調整価格は、最初の 「原価」品目の価格に追加されます。
          •  specialPrice: 提供アイテムの原価に加算される値。
          •  demand:需要に基づく最初の’原価’品目の価格調整者。村人が補給するときに更新される。
    •  ConversionTime: 治療が行われていない時は常に-1で、治療開始から村人に戻るまでの時間(ティック)。再生の効果もこれに基づく。
    •  ConversionPlayerLeast: この村人ゾンビの治療を開始したプレイヤーのUUIDの下位側
    •  ConversionPlayerMost: この村人ゾンビの治療を開始したプレイヤーのUUIDの上位側






アイコン 実績 ゲーム内での説明 実際の条件(異なる場合) 得られるゲーマースコア トロフィーの種類(PS)
モンスター退治モンスターを攻撃して倒そう。敵対Mobか以下の中立Mobを倒す: エンダーマン、ピグリン、ゾンビ化ピグリン、クモ、洞窟グモ15Gブロンズ


アイコン 進捗 ゲーム内での説明 前提条件 実際の条件(異なる場合) 名前空間ID
Advancement-oval-rawゾンビドクター村人ゾンビを弱らせてから治療する さらなる深みへ村人ゾンビ弱化スプラッシュポーション投げ、金のリンゴを与え治療を待つ。マルチプレイでは、金のリンゴを与えたプレイヤーのみが進捗を達成する。story/cure_zombie_villager
Advancement-plain-raw冒険冒険、探索、戦闘 任意のエンティティを倒すか、エンティティによって倒される。adventure/root
Advancement-plain-rawモンスターハンター敵対的なモンスターを倒す 冒険以下の34種(35種‌[JE 1.21で追加予定])のMobのうちどれかを倒す。 この中に含まれないMobを倒してもこの進捗の達成には反映されない。またチキンジョッキースケルトンホースマンに関しては乗っている側のエンティティのみがこの進捗の達成に反映される。adventure/kill_a_mob
Advancement-fancy-rawモンスター狩りの達人すべての種類の敵対的なモンスターを倒す モンスターハンター以下の34種のMobを全て倒す。 この中に含まれないMobはこの挑戦の達成には要求されない。またチキンジョッキースケルトンホースマンに関しては乗っている側のエンティティのみがこの挑戦の達成に反映される。adventure/kill_all_mobs


Java Edition
1.4.212w32aZombie Villager 村人ゾンビが追加された。
Baby Zombie Villager 子供村人ゾンビが追加された。
5% of zombies spawned are zombie villagers, and villagers now become infected when killed by a zombie. Infecting a baby villager creates a baby zombie villager, which is faster than a normal zombie and does not age.
Zombie villagers under the effects of a potion of weakness can be cured by using a golden apple on them.
12w34aZombie villagers now have two new rare dropscarrots and potatoes.
12w34bZombie villagers can now pick up and equip dropped items.[3][4]
If killed, zombie villagers now drop the item they are holding.
Zombie villagers can now survive in sunlight, if they are wearing a helmet or a pumpkin.[5]
?Zombie Villager with Carved Pumpkin Revision 1Zombie Villager with Jack o'Lantern Revision 1Baby Zombie Villager with Carved Pumpkin Revision 1Baby Zombie Villager with Jack o'Lantern Revision 1 On Halloween, zombie villagers can now spawn wearing pumpkins or jack o'lanterns.
1.513w03aZombie villagers are now able to set the player on fire, if they are on fire and they attack the player.
Zombie villagers can now call other zombies from the nearby area (radius dependent on difficulty) to attack the player, making packs of zombies approach shortly after damaging the zombie villager.
Zombie villagers now cause more damage when their health is lower.
1.6.113w17aWhen damaged, zombie villagers now have a low chance to spawn more zombies.
13w21aZombie villager damage increasing with decreasing health has now been removed.
13w23bZombie villager AI and mechanics have now been changed – this has now made them much more horde-like.
Zombie villagers are now able to detect the player up to 40 blocks.
1.6.2preBaby zombie villagers now spawn among regular ones.
Baby zombie villagers now have the same percentage of spawning as zombie villagers.
1.7.213w36aBaby zombie villagers now drop loot and experience.
1.7.413w49aAdded zombie villager chicken jockeys – a rare version of the baby zombie villager.
1.814w11aZombie villagers now run away from creepers that are about to explode.
14w30aZombie villagers now drop a zombie head when killed by a charged creeper.
1.8.1pre1Zombie villagers now no longer run away from creepers that are about to explode.
1.915w32aThe detection range of zombie villagers is now halved when the player is wearing a zombie mob head.
15w33cThe zombie villager's detection range for players wearing the zombie head has now been adjusted, now 37.5% of the normal range.
15w34aZombie villagers now have an attack animation similar to the one they had in Survival Test, even without weapons.
15w35aZombie Farmer Zombie Librarian Zombie Priest Zombie Blacksmith Zombie Butcher Zombie Nitwit Zombie villagers now retain their professions and clothes, which have a tattered appearance. Before this version, the zombie villager's body texture shared the same texture as the regular zombie's body.
Baby Zombie Farmer Baby Zombie Librarian Baby Zombie Priest Baby Zombie Blacksmith Baby Zombie Butcher Baby Zombie Nitwit Baby zombie villagers now retain their professions and clothes, which have a tattered appearance.
A new VillagerProfession tag that determines what profession the zombie villager is, as well its profession when cured, has now been added.
15w36aThe zombie villager's detection range for players wearing the zombie head is now again 50% of the normal range.
15w43aA zombie villager priest can now be found caged in an igloo basement.
1.1016w20a"Generic" green-robed zombie villager has now been removed, due to the new ZombieType tag not allowing invalid villager professions.
pre1The chance of a zombie villager setting the target on fire when burning, and the duration of the effect, now depends on raw regional difficulty.
1.1116w32aAdded a zombie villager spawn egg.
The entity ID Zombie has now been changed to zombie, zombie_villager and husk for those respective mobs.
The ZombieType tag has now been removed and the Profession tag to the zombie_villager only has now been added, and the ConversionTime has now been made to apply to zombie_villager only.
Setting the Profession tag to 5 now makes green-robed villagers.
The zombie villager's in-game name has now been changed to "Zombie Villager" instead of "Zombie".
Zombie villagers no longer drop zombie heads when killed by a charged creeper.
Zombie villagers no longer spawn from zombie spawners.
16w32bZombie Nitwit Baby Zombie Nitwit Generic zombie villagers have now been re-added, along with their normal villager counterpart.
16w39aZombie villagers now have their own sounds.
1.1217w14aAdded ConversionPlayerLeast and ConversionPlayerMost tags to the zombie villager, for the purpose of the minecraft:cured_zombie_villager trigger for advancements.
1.1318w07aZombie villagers now intentionally stomp on turtle eggs and attack turtles.
18w10dBaby zombie villagers now burn in the sun.
1.1418w50aZombie villagers now have new skins, corresponding to biome and profession.

Desert Zombie Villager Base Desert Zombie Armorer Desert Zombie Butcher Desert Zombie Cartographer Desert Zombie Cleric Desert Zombie Farmer Desert Zombie Fisherman Desert Zombie Fletcher Desert Zombie Leatherworker Desert Zombie Librarian Desert Zombie Mason Desert Zombie Nitwit Desert Zombie Shepherd Desert Zombie Toolsmith Desert Zombie Weaponsmith Added desert zombie villagers, which all have unique textures for that biome. These zombie villagers also spawn badlands biomes.
Jungle Zombie Villager Base Jungle Zombie Armorer Jungle Zombie Butcher Jungle Zombie Cartographer Jungle Zombie Cleric Jungle Zombie Farmer Jungle Zombie Fisherman Jungle Zombie Fletcher Jungle Zombie Leatherworker Jungle Zombie Librarian Jungle Zombie Mason Jungle Zombie Nitwit Jungle Zombie Shepherd Jungle Zombie Toolsmith Jungle Zombie Weaponsmith Added jungle zombie villagers, which all have unique textures for that biome. However, jungles do not contain villages, so these zombie villagers will only spawn after the player has a jungle village.
Plains Zombie Villager Base Plains Zombie Armorer Plains Zombie Butcher Plains Zombie Cartographer Plains Zombie Cleric Plains Zombie Farmer Plains Zombie Fisherman Plains Zombie Fletcher Plains Zombie Leatherworker Plains Zombie Librarian Plains Zombie Mason Plains Zombie Nitwit Plains Zombie Shepherd Plains Zombie Toolsmith Plains Zombie Weaponsmith Added plains zombie villagers, which all have unique textures for that biome.
Savanna Zombie Villager Base Savanna Zombie Armorer Savanna Zombie Butcher Savanna Zombie Cartographer Savanna Zombie Cleric Savanna Zombie Farmer Savanna Zombie Fisherman Savanna Zombie Fletcher Savanna Zombie Leatherworker Savanna Zombie Librarian Savanna Zombie Mason Savanna Zombie Nitwit Savanna Zombie Shepherd Savanna Zombie Toolsmith Savanna Zombie Weaponsmith Added savanna zombie villagers, which all have unique textures for that biome.
Snowy Zombie Villager Base Snowy Zombie Armorer Snowy Zombie Butcher Snowy Zombie Cartographer Snowy Zombie Cleric Snowy Zombie Farmer Snowy Zombie Fisherman Snowy Zombie Fletcher Snowy Zombie Leatherworker Snowy Zombie Librarian Snowy Zombie Mason Snowy Zombie Nitwit Snowy Zombie Shepherd Snowy Zombie Toolsmith Snowy Zombie Weaponsmith Added snowy zombie villagers, which all have unique textures in snowy biomes. These zombie villagers spawn in any snowy biome, including frozen rivers, frozen oceans (and their variants) and snowy beaches.
Swamp Zombie Villager Base Swamp Zombie Armorer Swamp Zombie Butcher Swamp Zombie Cartographer Swamp Zombie Cleric Swamp Zombie Farmer Swamp Zombie Fisherman Swamp Zombie Fletcher Swamp Zombie Leatherworker Swamp Zombie Librarian Swamp Zombie Mason Swamp Zombie Nitwit Swamp Zombie Shepherd Swamp Zombie Toolsmith Swamp Zombie Weaponsmith Added swamp zombie villagers, which all have unique textures for that biome. However, swamps do not contain villages, so these zombie villagers will only spawn after the player has created a village in swamp.
Taiga Zombie Villager Base Taiga Zombie Armorer Taiga Zombie Butcher Taiga Zombie Cartographer Taiga Zombie Cleric Taiga Zombie Farmer Taiga Zombie Fisherman Taiga Zombie Fletcher Taiga Zombie Leatherworker Taiga Zombie Librarian Taiga Zombie Mason Taiga Zombie Nitwit Taiga Zombie Shepherd Taiga Zombie Toolsmith Taiga Zombie Weaponsmith Added taiga zombie villagers, which all have unique textures for the biome. These zombie villagers also spawn in giant tree taiga and mountains biomes.
Desert Baby Zombie VillagerJungle Baby Zombie VillagerPlains Baby Zombie VillagerSavanna Baby Zombie VillagerSnowy Baby Zombie VillagerSwamp Baby Zombie VillagerTaiga Baby Zombie Villager Added baby zombie villagers to desert, jungle, plains, savanna, snowy, swamp and taiga biomes. However, jungles and swamps do not contain villages, so these zombie villagers will only spawn after the player has created a village in those biomes.

Cured zombie villagers now retain their trades.
1.1519w41aZombie villagers that were converted from villagers no longer despawn.
Pocket Edition Alpha
0.12.1build 1Zombie Farmer Zombie Librarian Zombie Priest Zombie Blacksmith Zombie Butcher Zombie Nitwit Added zombie villagers.
Baby Zombie Farmer Baby Zombie Librarian Baby Zombie Priest Baby Zombie Blacksmith Baby Zombie Butcher Baby Zombie Nitwit Added baby zombie villagers.
Zombie villagers retain their professions and clothes, which have a tattered appearance.
0.14.0build 1Baby zombie villagers now have a 15% chance of becoming be a jockey. Before becoming a jockey, upon nearing the player, they check for one of the following to mount prior attacking: adult chickens, adult ocelots, adult wolves, adult zombies, adult zombie villager, adult zombie pigmen, cows, pigs, sheep, cave spiders or spiders.
0.15.0build 1Baby zombie villagers can now mount adult husks and horse variants.
Pocket Edition
1.1.0alpha villagers now have their own sounds.
Bedrock Edition
?Baby zombie villagers can now no longer mount adult zombie pigmen.
1.4.0beta zombie villagers now burn in daylight.
1.5.0beta villagers now sink underwater.
beta villagers now attack baby turtles and stomp on turtle eggs.
1.8.0beta zombie villagers can now mount pandas and stray cats.
1.10.0beta villagers are now split into 2 different mobs, new zombie villagers now have new skins, coresponding to biome and profession.

Desert Zombie Villager Base Desert Zombie Armorer Desert Zombie Butcher Desert Zombie Cartographer Desert Zombie Cleric Desert Zombie Farmer Desert Zombie Fisherman Desert Zombie Fletcher Desert Zombie Leatherworker Desert Zombie Librarian Desert Zombie Mason Desert Zombie Nitwit Desert Zombie Shepherd Desert Zombie Toolsmith Desert Zombie Weaponsmith Added desert zombie villagers, which all have unique textures for that biome. These zombie villagers also spawn badlands biomes.
Jungle Zombie Villager Base Jungle Zombie Armorer Jungle Zombie Butcher Jungle Zombie Cartographer Jungle Zombie Cleric Jungle Zombie Farmer Jungle Zombie Fisherman Jungle Zombie Fletcher Jungle Zombie Leatherworker Jungle Zombie Librarian Jungle Zombie Mason Jungle Zombie Nitwit Jungle Zombie Shepherd Jungle Zombie Toolsmith Jungle Zombie Weaponsmith Added jungle zombie villagers, which all have unique textures for that biome. However, jungles do not contain villages, so these zombie villagers will only spawn after the player has created a jungle village.
Plains Zombie Villager Base Plains Zombie Armorer Plains Zombie Butcher Plains Zombie Cartographer Plains Zombie Cleric Plains Zombie Farmer Plains Zombie Fisherman Plains Zombie Fletcher Plains Zombie Leatherworker Plains Zombie Librarian Plains Zombie Mason Plains Zombie Nitwit Plains Zombie Shepherd Plains Zombie Toolsmith Plains Zombie Weaponsmith Added plains zombie villagers, which all have unique textures for that biome.
Savanna Zombie Villager Base Savanna Zombie Armorer Savanna Zombie Butcher Savanna Zombie Cartographer Savanna Zombie Cleric Savanna Zombie Farmer Savanna Zombie Fisherman Savanna Zombie Fletcher Savanna Zombie Leatherworker Savanna Zombie Librarian Savanna Zombie Mason Savanna Zombie Nitwit Savanna Zombie Shepherd Savanna Zombie Toolsmith Savanna Zombie Weaponsmith Added savanna zombie villagers, which all have unique textures for that biome.
Snowy Zombie Villager Base Snowy Zombie Armorer Snowy Zombie Butcher Snowy Zombie Cartographer Snowy Zombie Cleric Snowy Zombie Farmer Snowy Zombie Fisherman Snowy Zombie Fletcher Snowy Zombie Leatherworker Snowy Zombie Librarian Snowy Zombie Mason Snowy Zombie Nitwit Snowy Zombie Shepherd Snowy Zombie Toolsmith Snowy Zombie Weaponsmith Added snowy zombie villagers, which all have unique textures in snowy biomes. These zombie villagers spawn in any snowy biome, including frozen rivers, frozen oceans (and their variants) and snowy beaches.
Swamp Zombie Villager Base Swamp Zombie Armorer Swamp Zombie Butcher Swamp Zombie Cartographer Swamp Zombie Cleric Swamp Zombie Farmer Swamp Zombie Fisherman Swamp Zombie Fletcher Swamp Zombie Leatherworker Swamp Zombie Librarian Swamp Zombie Mason Swamp Zombie Nitwit Swamp Zombie Shepherd Swamp Zombie Toolsmith Swamp Zombie Weaponsmith Added swamp zombie villagers, which all have unique textures for that biome. However, swamps do not contain villages, so these zombie villagers will only spawn after the player has created a village in swamp.
Taiga Zombie Villager Base Taiga Zombie Armorer Taiga Zombie Butcher Taiga Zombie Cartographer Taiga Zombie Cleric Taiga Zombie Farmer Taiga Zombie Fisherman Taiga Zombie Fletcher Taiga Zombie Leatherworker Taiga Zombie Librarian Taiga Zombie Mason Taiga Zombie Nitwit Taiga Zombie Shepherd Taiga Zombie Toolsmith Taiga Zombie Weaponsmith Added taiga zombie villagers, which all have unique textures for the biome. These zombie villagers also spawn in giant tree taiga and mountains biomes.
Desert Baby Zombie VillagerJungle Baby Zombie VillagerPlains Baby Zombie VillagerSavanna Baby Zombie VillagerSnowy Baby Zombie VillagerSwamp Baby Zombie VillagerTaiga Baby Zombie Villager Added baby zombie villagers to desert, jungle, plains, savanna, snowy, swamp and taiga biomes. However, jungles and swamps do not contain villages, so these zombie villagers will only spawn after the player has created a village in those biomes.

Added nitwit, mason, and unemployed zombie villager professions.
Zombie villagers now attack wandering traders.
Cured zombie villagers can now retain their trades.
1.12.0beta new zombie villagers now have sounds.
1.13.0beta old zombie villagers no longer spawn naturally. However, they still exist.
Legacy Console Edition
TU14CU1 1.04 Zombie Villager Added zombie villagers.
Baby Zombie Villager Added baby zombie villagers. However, they can only be obtained by having a zombie kill a baby villager, as a zombie spawn egg does not spawn them, due to baby zombies not being in game.
TU15 1.05 The rare loot of zombie villagers' drops have now been changed to be carrots, potatoes or iron ingots.
TU19CU7 1.12 Zombie villagers can now pick up items and occasionally spawn with armor and/or weapons.
Baby zombie villagers can now be spawned with a zombie spawn egg.
TU31CU19 1.22 Patch 3Baby zombie villagers now drop experience.
Zombie villagers now drop a zombie head when killed by a charged creeper.
TU54CU45 1.56 Patch 24Zombie Villagers no longer spawn from zombie spawn eggs or spawners, since they now have their own spawn egg.
TU60CU51 1.64 Patch 30Baby zombie villagers now have a 15% chance of becoming a jockey. Before becoming a jockey, upon nearing the player, they check for one of the following to mount prior attacking: adult chickens, adult ocelots, adult wolves, adult zombies, cows, pigs, sheep, spiders or cave spiders.
TU69Patch 38Zombie villagers now have their own sounds.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
0.1.0Zombie Farmer Zombie Librarian Zombie Priest Zombie Blacksmith Zombie Butcher Zombie Nitwit Added zombie villagers.
Baby Zombie Farmer Baby Zombie Librarian Baby Zombie Priest Baby Zombie Blacksmith Baby Zombie Butcher Baby Zombie Nitwit Added baby zombie villagers.






  • Bedrock Editionでは、描画の問題が生ずるため防具を纏ってスポーンすることはない。

